All posts by Miss Johnston

Fairtrade Fortnight

Eaglesham Primary School and Nursery Class are Global Citizens and have been learning all about Fairtrade.

LI – To make decisions and take responsibility in my everyday experiences and play, showing consideration for others.

We brought in lots of Fairtrade items and packaging we had discovered at home.

“The farmer does all the hard work so he needs a fair price.” Phoebe(Yellow AM)

“I saw Fairtrade bananas at Aldi.” Martha (Yellow AM)

In Drama, we acted out the farmer’s quest for a “Fairtrade for a fair day’s work.”

“I was the farmer and I had to check I got a good price.” Femka (Green PM)




LI – to stay safe when using electricity

LI – To show the importance of electricity in our daily lives

The boys and girls went home to identify objects which use electricity in their house.

Archie (Green PM) enjoyed telling his friends about his new Scalextrix which he has to plug in because it needs electricity to make it work.

“Don’t go near electricity. It’s dangerous.” Zoe (Green AM)

“I ask my mummy and daddy if I can turn off my own light in my bedroom.” Cara (Blue AM)

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