Enterprising Actors

Primary 1 have been very busy writing to local businesses to ask for donations for hosting a tea, coffee and ‘sweet treat’ for parents and carers as part of our ‘Nativity’ experience.

A huge thanks to Morrisons Giffnock, Coop Clarkston, Scotmid and Eaglesham Bakers.  P1 & P2 have been busy making  cakes and biscuits.  We are hoping that ‘donations’ will be plentiful. All donations will be given to Glasgow Children’s Hospital.

sdc11680Dress Rehearsal sdc11677Twinking Stars
dscf0176Nursery to P7 came to see us perform ‘The Very Hopeless Camel’ Macy was a very bright star indeed. sdc11686It was a happy ending when they found the very special baby!
dscf0160We worked together to get the job done. dscf0162Working as hard as Santa’s elves!
dscf0164We had to tie our hair back and wear aprons. dscf0165We had to gather the ingredients and listen carefully for instructions.
dscf0161We all had to wash our hands and remember not to touch ANYTHING. dscf0163Rebecca practising her food handling skills.
Glasgow Children’s Hospital will receive all donations from our ‘Christmas Tea, Coffee and a Wee Treat’…we are currently at £267..and counting.. Thank You!