Art and Design

Last week primary 4.2 were making scratch art pictures using oil pastels and black paint.

Time to check it over and cover any white paper sections.

They discussed in their groups what they had been learning about during the art lessons.

Chosen bright colours to achieve the best effect.

Golden Stars: ‘We used oil pastels to scratch art and cover it with black paint. We really enjoyed it, mostly painting it black.’  Matthew, Ella, James and Eva.

Painted completely black ready to scratch out the design.

Marvellous Marshmallows: ‘Last week we did scratch art and we really enjoyed it.’ Sarah McN, Reid, Lily, Jaime, Sarah L and Jack.  

Starting to add black paint…

Multiplications monkeys: ‘We had fun doing scratch art. We used pastels to colour in the paper then we painted it back’. Anna McK, Scott, Millie, Heather, Daniel and Norah.

Maths Monkeys: ‘We have been making stick athletes and we have been doing scratch art with pastels and black paint we enjoyed it.’ Eloise, Felix, Erin and Callum. 

It was very important to cover the whole page with the coloured pastels before painting black to ensure the brightest effect when the picture was scratched out. Lots of detail was paid to this.

‘I have been smudging the pastels to get no white bits’. Eloise.

The First Two Weeks.

It has now been 2 weeks since everyone returned to school all ready to grow and learn. In primary 4.2 we have had a busy 2 weeks sharing stories form our holidays and getting to know the new teachers.

Some of the thing we have been learning so far include;

‘I have been working hard on literacy,’ Daniel.

‘I have really enjoyed maths. Learning about the properties of 3D shape,’ Millie.

‘I have been learning how to be safe on the internet.’ Scott.

I have been reading a book about a killer cat,’ Nico.

‘I like having class dojo’, Erin.

‘Growing cress seeds,’ Matthew.

As one of the teachers in 4.2 I have really enjoyed getting to know the class and learning all about these enthusiastic faces joining me in class every morning. I feel very lucky to be spending the year with them and feel confident we will learn a lot together during this exciting journey.  Miss Lowson


Some of the things the class are looking forward to are;

‘Lunches,’ Jackson

Art, maths and trips,’ Lily.

‘Art and writing,’ Sarah McNicol.

‘I like reading,’ Andrew.

What plants need to grow?

We have set up an investigation to find out what plants really need to grow.

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Each group had a control and changed only one thing.IMG_8270

Group 1 changed the soil, group 2 changed the size of the container, group 3 changed the water and group 4 changed the light.


We are looking forward to finding out the results next week.  🙂


Career Visit

Fireman Visit

Fireman Chris came to visit primary 3 who were all very excited! He brought lots of equipment and his uniform with him to show us what he needs to wear to keep him safe. Reid had great fun on his birthday modelling Chris’ cool fire suit!



During technology, we worked in groups to plan and create our own local shop.

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Eva- “I enjoyed making the moving part. It was the door” Lily- “I enjoyed making candy and sticking it on”

We had success criteria that we had to follow. Our shop must have: a logo, catchy shop name and a moving part.


Eloise- “We had to take ideas from everyone in the group to create our shop”



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