Tag Archives: Literacy and English

Telling a story!

This term Primary One have been working really hard to improve their writing. We have been learning to tell a story by drawing a picture and adding lots of detail to it.

Below you will see a selection of our work throughout the term.

We regularly use playdoh to hold a “playdoh disco” to work our fine motor skills! This means we pinch, roll and work the playdoh until our fingers are so tired! Some of use have used it to make pictures to illustrate our stories!

Over the last few weeks the Friendly Dragon challenged us to re-tell a story. He was so impressed with our work!

Daniel – I put lots of detail in – September 2015
Maya – My fairytale was magical  – September 2015
Sammy R – I remembered the story and drew it – September 2015
Jessica – I like doing writing because it is fun – September 2015


Luca – I made a dragon from playdoh, he is very friendly – September 2015
Yocheved – My dragon is yellow, I was a bit scared of him at first – September 2015
Aman – I drew the pictures so you would know what was going on in the story – October 2015
Luca – I had a go at the writing – October 2015
Miriam – I copied the writing carefully – October 2015


After school clubs



“I went to football and a multi skills class after school.  At football we really just played this sleeping game and football. In the other club we did fun things like tig.”


“We went to the hall where we do lunch.  I went to the multi sports one. It was fun.  The best bit was the sleeping lions game.  I can’t wait to go next week.”

Sammy R

“I’m starting karate next week.  I’m not sure what we will do but it will be fun cos im going with my friends.  I will wear karate clothes I think.”



“Jack came to visit us in the night. He brought beans to make beanstalks. We haven’t planted them yet.  Maybe we will plant them or maybe we will just keep them.  They aren’t squidgy.  We had to count them. He came at night because he couldn’t see us and he left a letter too. “

Marnie, Sammy R and Josh

Sammy and Muneeb counting some magic beans.
Sammy and Muneeb making a pattern with the magic beans.


Although we have had a shorter week at school, we have still been very busy revising and learning two new letter names and sounds.  We have been learning about ‘f’ and ‘l’.

The dragon comes to meet us!

” We went to gym and when we came back we saw toe prints and Miss Jagger said ” Does anybody have three toes?” But we don’t! Then we came into the room and we saw big foot prints and flowers and glitter all over the place.” Kaleb
“There was a parcel and we thought it was our friends but it wasn’t. A dragon had visited but we didn’t see him but he was actually so quiet. Maybe he tip-toed in. There was a letter in the box with some fire on it. We have to build fairyland. We made a beanstalk.” Daniel
“We wrote letters to the dragon and we put them in the post box in our class. The dragon will collect them but how will he know to collect them? Maybe he will visit over the weekend when I’m doing fun things.” Ariana
“These are the dragon foot prints. He stopped at the board. We don’t know his name yet but we asked him in our letters.” Daniel
“We love the dragon.” Ariana                                                             “Please don’t eat me or send us fire.” Kaleb                                      “You are a friendly dragon.” Daniel

Kaleb's letter to the dragon
Kaleb’s letter to the dragon
Pippa's letter to the dragon
Pippa’s letter to the dragon
Harry's letter to the dragon
Harry’s letter to the dragon
Daniel's letter to the dragon
Daniel’s letter to the dragon



This week in Primary One, we have been learning the letter names and sounds for g and o.  We have also been revising the letters and sounds that we have learnt so far in Primary One.


Watch this space for further excitement whilst learning about our new topic!  The children in Primary One are super excited and have already started to build a beanstalk for Jack!


During our phonics activities this week, we have been learning the letter names and sounds for r, m and d.

We have been learning with our friends from Primary Seven and have been writing some creative stories with them…

“Little Freddie was in my story.  He eated a lot of chocolate. Gabby in Primary Seven was helping me.  Gabby was doing the writing because Im’ still learning to write but I was making the story up.  I drew the pictures. I had a blurb and a title.” 



In Primary One we are always looking for fun ways to strengthen the muscles in our fingers and hands to help us with our fine motor skills.

“When the music goes on you squeeze it and roll it.  It is sore on my fingers but it helps to make them strong.!”



We have been learning about the story of Jonah and the Whale ready for Yom Kippur.

“Jonah and the Whale. Jonah ended up in the whales tummy because the G-d sent the big fish to get him.  Mrs Rosenberg was teaching us the story on the computer in our class. “



Primary one have been learning to add detail to their drawings.

” We did drawings of putting the light switch on and blow drying our hair.  I had my eyes closed in my picture because of the wind from the hair dryer.”


Muneeb’s detailed drawing of him trying on new shoes.
Maddie’s detailed drawing of her trying on new shoes.


Sammy B’s detailed drawing of him trying on new shoes.