Tag Archives: Forest schools

Transient Art

As part of our Forest Schools sessions, the boys and girls in Primary one worked in pairs to create some transient art of old and new toys. First we discussed the natural materials we would need and planned how we were going to make the toys. Then we went across to the park and split up into 2 groups. One group went to collect the materials while the other group created their art. We used sticks, stones, leaves and petals. Maya’s mum was a great helper and the boys and girls had a fabulous time!

Check out the creative transient art.

Sammy R and Tia – Bicycle

Samantha and Maddie – Doll

Harry and Sammy B – Pogo Stick

Yocheved and Miriam – Ball

Marnie  and Pippa – Jack in the Box

Ben and Muneeb – Robot


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