Squares 20.01.17

This week in Numeracy we have started to learn about data handling. We were reading information from a table. We will be learning how to make bar graphs and pictograms.

Kaleb and Maya


This week in Numeracy we have been learning about weight and using balance scales. We can use the words; lighter, heavier and equal weights. We compared the weights of different items including pencils, glue sticks, rubbers and scissors.

I found my work this week easy! Yocheved

My favourite work was weighing the different items. Ross


This wee in Numeracy we have been finding missing numbers in calculations up to 15. We can count up and back to number 15 quickly and accurately.

I found my work this week a little bit tricky but it was easy when I knew what to do. Ben

I enjoyed my work this week and it was fun! Muneeb


This week in Numeracy we have been learning to find the missing umber in a calculation. We were using numbers up to 20.

I think finding missing numbers is quite tricky but I got better with more practice. Next I want to have harder calculations. Marnie

I found Numeracy excellent this week! Sammy R


This week in Numeracy we have been learning how to measure in litres and millilitres. We know there are 1000ml in a litre.

We used bottles, jugs and measuring cup to compare volumes.

I thought it was a little tricky to fill the bottles without spilling any water! Harry

I think volume is quite hard but I like it. Sammy B


Chanukah Party!

On Wednesday we had out Chanukah party! We all wore our party clothes to school all day. In the afternoon, we went to the hall with Primary One and Three. We danced to music and played corners, pass the parcel and musical statues.

We all had so much fun!

Sammy and Luca and David even one a prize!

It was very exciting- Harry

It was fantastic!- Samantha

My favourite part was pass the parcel! – Muneeb


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Shared Reading

Primary Seven have been worked hard writing their very own children’s story book. They decided to read them to Primary One, Two and Three. The Primary sevens took time to read their stories to different children and even asked them tricky questions about what they had been reading!

I like the pictures in the stories because it makes them look detailed. Zohar

The writing is good because it makes sense like a real story. I really liked the stories. Pippa

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Pyjama Party!

As a result of wining all the pieces on our “Mr Potato Head” we decided to have a pyjama party to celebrate. Everyone brought in their jammies, including Mrs Hughes! We choose to watch “The secret Life of Pets” and we had a lovely snack.

It was such a nice afternoon and was so much fun!

Sammy R and Luca



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