World Book Day 2017!

To celebrate World Book Day we have been doing lots of different reading activities.

Firstly, we had a Book Blitz where we had 1 minute to tell someone all about or favourite book! When the buzzer rang we moved to a new partner.

After that we took part in the World Book Day Big Quiz and then we read our favourite stories to our Fab Friends.

It has been a really fun day!

My favourite part of the day was the quiz! Samantha

I really liked doing the Book Blitz, it was my favourite part of the day. Harry

It was fun to read all the Horrid Henry stories and reading to our Fab Friends.- Daniel



McCoo mad!

We have been learning about Scottish culture through our Katie Morag topic.

This afternoon, we took inspiration from Scottish artist Steven Brown and made our very own McCoos. We always try to look at the work of artists and comment on what we like and how the art makes us feel.


‘I did lots of different colours to try and make mine look like Steven Brown’s McCoo’ – Daniel

‘We are making colourful McCoos. I was concentrating very hard to make wavy lines.’ – Muneeb

‘McCoos are highland cows that are very colourful. It’s very fun to make them.’ – Miriam

‘The artist is Steven Brown. When he was a kid he needed to leave school early to go to work to get money. Now he makes art.’ – Maddie









Our Fruit Party

On Tuesday we had our Fruit Party for Tu B’Shvat. We made special placemats to have our fruit on. We then went through to Primary 1 and had a joint party.



First, we named some fruit in French.

We played a game where we were passing fruits around in a circle and if the music stopped and we were holding a fruit we had to name it in French.

We sang a song about French fruit.

Then, we got to taste some fruit!dsc00768-2dsc00767-2dsc00765-2dsc00766-2

‘I liked tasting all of the fruit’ – Samantha and Sammy R

‘All of the fruits were yummy. I didn’t really like the pomegranates and the dates’ – Luca

‘I liked the song, the song said the words and we had to sing them back’ – Maddie , Jessica, Maya, Ross and Daniel

‘I liked the olives’ – Harry, Calum, Ben and Tia



Social Dancing!

When reading one of our Katie Morag stories, we were learning what a ceilidh dance was and wanted to know more about the dances. Primary Six and Seven were learning ceilidh dances for their Robert Burns afternoon and very kindly offered to show Primary Two and teach them some new moves!

We all had so much fun watching the older boys and girls and then they taught us how to dance the Gay Gordons!

Thank you Primary Six and Seven!

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Rights Respecting

Primary Two have been looking again at the rights of every child.

We understand that we should have these rights but some children so not have all of their rights met. We thought about the rights that were most important to us.  To celebrate 70 years of UNICEF helping boys and girls, we thought of a wish we would like every child to have across the world. We wrote our wish in a bubble and put it in our wishing garden. dsc00740

Triangles 30.01.17

This week in Numeracy we have been learning about Numbers to 20.

We were using chimney calculations and learning about tens and units.

I found it difficult but I am getting better at the calculations- Maddie

I found it easy!- Sammy R


Squares 30.01.17

This week in Numeracy we have been learning about data handling.

We made our own table and bar graph on Favourite Pets and Favourite Programmes.

We used tally marks to record the Primary One and Primary Three answers.

It was a bit tricky- Daniel

I liked that we chose one pet or programme each- Jessica

Forest Schools

Forest Schools will be starting again soon for Primary Two and a  letter will be going home asking for any parent helpers for any of the dates below. If you are able to volunteer, please let  myself know through the communication diary or alternatively speak to the office.

As before, Forest Schools will be taking place on a Wednesday afternoon and just a little remind that your child will require suitable footwear.

The dates are:

22nd February

1st March

8th March

15th March

22nd March

28th March


Thanks, Mrs Hughes


Active Phonics

In Primary 2 we learn our weekly spelling words through Active Phonics. On a Monday and Wednesday we go to the hall and carry out different activities like skipping, throwing bean bags and throw and catch. We work with a partner and spell our words as we throw or skip.

It think it is lots of fun! Muneeb

I think it makes it easier to learn my new spelling sounds! Yocheved

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