Category Archives: Literacy

Active Phonics

In Primary 2 we learn our weekly spelling words through Active Phonics. On a Monday and Wednesday we go to the hall and carry out different activities like skipping, throwing bean bags and throw and catch. We work with a partner and spell our words as we throw or skip.

It think it is lots of fun! Muneeb

I think it makes it easier to learn my new spelling sounds! Yocheved

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Shared Reading

Primary Seven have been worked hard writing their very own children’s story book. They decided to read them to Primary One, Two and Three. The Primary sevens took time to read their stories to different children and even asked them tricky questions about what they had been reading!

I like the pictures in the stories because it makes them look detailed. Zohar

The writing is good because it makes sense like a real story. I really liked the stories. Pippa

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