All posts by Miss Reid

Maths in the Police

Primary 3 spent the afternoon with PC Reid learning how the police use maths in their work.   Primary 3 had to solve the maths calucaltions in a treasure hunt acitivty. PC Reid was very impressed with the maths skills by primary 3 and how well they worked together as a team.

The afternoon ended with PC Reid answering some of the questions primary 3  had about road safety and  some tips on how to stay safe.



Book Week Scotland

Primary 3 had a a brilliant week last week to celebrate book week.  They loved all the different activities particularly getting the chance to come dressed as their favourite book character! Can you work out who we all are?


Problem Solving

Primary 3 have been trying to solve word problems using concrete materials.  The task was to read the problem and then work out what they could use to sovle the problem.   We had stations set up today that also involved working in partners.  We hope you are impressed by some of the photogrpahs capturing our hard work,



Investigating air resistance

Primary 3 had the opportunity to test their research question about if the size of the parachute for Jack effected how long his escape would be.  This morning we worked together as class to invesitagte this by having some pupils time the parachutes using stopwatches, a few pupils recording the results on white boards, a photgrapher and some pupils throwing the parachute from a ledge in the hub.  The reuslts showed that the smaller parachute took less time to fall to the ground.  Some of the class were delighted with this as they had predicted this result beforehand.  Primary 3 have been very enthusiastic about this investigation and we are about to plan out next one about friction.


A parachute for Jack

Primary 3 have been working very hard on designing a parachute that would help Jack escape from the giant in the book “Jack and the Beanstalk”,  Today we made the final touches to the parachute and next week we will testing if a smaller parachute would be better compared to a bigger one.  Primary 3 are so excited to find out the answer.




Shanah Tovah Everyone!

Primary 3 wish everyone a happy New Year.  We have been learning all about the pomegranate and the importance of it for Rosh Hashanah.  Primary 3 have worked to together to write a poem all about titles “The Pomegranate”.


Pomegranate Poem written by Primary 3

Rosh Hashanah is here

Today we are having a nice sweet new year

Here we have a pomegranate big, shiny and red

We remember King Hashem by the crown on its head

613 seeds inside the new fruitWe love the taste of 1 seed so yummy and cute




Primary 3 Kabbalat Shabbat 8/9/17

Primary 3 are on the table this Friday 8th September at 10.15am.

As we have been learning about facial palsy in class this week. The children have chosen to give tzedakah (charity) to Facial Palsy research.

Please can the children bring a donation of up to £1 for this cause.

We thank you in advance and we look forward to seeing you on Friday morning.

Mrs Rosenberg and Miss Reid