All posts by Mrs Hughes

Mitzvah Day

For Mitzvah week Primary Two decided to help in the play ground.

We picked up the litter, helped clear away the fallen leaves and helped tidy away the playground toys.

We all enjoyed helping others!


Triangles 2.12.16

This week in Numeracy we have been learning metres and centimetres. We measured different things around the ICT room. We know there are 100 cm in a metre! We used a ruler to measure different lengths.


Marnie and Zohar

Farm Trip

Primary Two visited the Natural Museum of Rural Life in East Kilbride as we are learning about farming through our Katie Morag topic. We spent time looking around the museum at farming machinery through the years and learned some interesting facts about Scottish foods. We then experienced the bumpy tractor ride up to the working farm where we saw cows, hens, sheep and horses. We even got to stroke a calf and milk a pretend cow! It was a brilliant day out, despite it being freezing!


Maya- I liked the tractor ride the best!

David- My favourite part was seeing the horses.

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Forest Schools

At Forest Schools we made a mouse nest. W e worked with other people and collected all our materials. We were testing to see how insulated our nest was to keep the mouse warm and cosy.

We put water into a tub and left it in our nest. We used a thermometer to test if our nest worked!

Our temperature only kept the nest a little bit warm so we will use more sticks next time!







Mini Beast Hunt

On Tuesday a lady called Karen came to talk to us about mini beasts. We looked for mini beasts in the nursery back garden. I found a leopard slug! It was very fat and sticky!

I held the slug on my hand and it tickled!



Mini beasts!

This week in Primary Two we have found lots of different mini beasts in the playground when we have been playing at lunch! We have collected them and shown them to the class. We looked at the mini beasts closely with a magnifying glass and described what they looked like!

We found a wasp in Busy Town! It had a cut on it’s body and it had died because it is getting colder outside. I was sad when I found it.  Aman and Tia

I found three worms in Busy Town! Two were brown and one was little and yellow. They were very slimy! Josh

I found a spider in the playground when I was walking past the trees. I picked it from a tree and put it on a leaf. It was really small. It’s legs were skinny and it made a web on the trees! Harry