All posts by Mrs Hughes

People’s Palace

Yesterday we went to the People’s Palace to learn all about when granny was a girl.

At the museum we spoke to Mary, a granny who was born in the 1950s. She told us that she lived in a single end house with one room and ten people living there! There were no washing machines so people went to the Steamie and used a wash board and a mangle. The soap was so smelly! It was called carbolic soap.

We learned that they used a chamber pot for the toilet that some people called a “goesunder” because it goes under the chair!

There weren’t any super markets; they used local shops like butchers, bakers and grocers to get all their shopping each day.

They had different coins like a half penny and a three pence piece.

They would beat their rugs instead of using a hoover and to iron they would need to heat up the stove!

We had a brilliant time at the museum and learned lots of new information!

When Granny Was a Girl

This week we have been learning what school was like when granny was a girl. We have learned that pupils all had their own wooden desks and wrote on a slate. We found out that teachers were very strict and you got the belt if you were in trouble! We also learned that they used a black board and chalk instead of a whiteboard and lessons were not as fun as they are now.

We would hate to be at school when granny was a girl, it would be very scary!

Granny’s games

This week, we have been learning all about the different games and toys our grandparents would have played.

They did not have ipads or computer games. Instead, they played games like skipping, elastics, sevens and hula hooping. They would have wooden toys like rocking horses or aeroplanes and enjoyed playing with marbles.

We spent time playing some of the games our grandparents would have played.

I prefer playing the olden games because I like skipping. Miriam

I was the champion at elastics! Maya


Science Centre!

Primary Two enjoyed their class trip to the Science centre last week. We explored the different floors and were engaged with the many experiments and fun activities.

We then took part in a senses workshop. We needed to sniff and feel different boxes and guess what we thought was inside. We listened to different noises and guessed the sound.


We had a picnic lunch by the river and played on the grass. It was such an amazing day!


Guide Dog Visit

We have been learning about our senses and looking at how important they are and how our senses keep us safe.  We were very lucky to have a visitor come and talk to us about the importance of Guide Dogs and to share what life would be like if we could not see.

A lady came in with her guide dog to tell us about guide dogs and how important they are. The dog was called Dale, he very cute! We ate fruits, filled a cup of water and put toothpaste on a brush with blindfolds on to see how hard it is when you can’t see. It was a good day. Calum

We filled a cup of water with a blind fold on to see how it feels when we couldn’t see. We spilled the water all over the table! We put a yellow buzzer on the cup to tell us when the cup is full. The buzzer would make life easier but it was scary when we couldn’t see. Kaleb and Maddie.

When we were blindfolded we had to walk up the corridor and the stairs with a stick. The stick was to help us find where we were going and to stop us bashing into things. I felt nervous because I couldn’t see. David and Miriam

We had to open a bag of coins and match different coins. We guessed by how they felt. If you were blind it would be had to count your money and change in a shop. Marnie

Pyjama Party!

Since Primary have received all of the pieces on Mr Potato head we chose to have a pyjama party for our reward. We wore our pyjamas and cuddled out teddies while watching Trolls! we even got a snack.

It has been such a fun afternoon!



Today we celebrated Pesach by having our Seder with  Primary One and Primary Three.  At the Seder we sang Pesach songs and eat from the Seder plate.

We eat Matzot with charoset and lettuce and drank 4 glasses of wine (grape juice). Pippa

Meir was Aba and Sienna was Ema. They said the prayers before we drank and ate. Sammy B

We dipped the herbs into the salt water. The salt water is to remind us of tears. Kaleb

I opened the door for Elijah the Prophet while Mrs Rosenberg checked to see if the wine had gone down. Maya


Forest Schools

At Forest Schools this week we made music! We listened to the sounds around us and in groups created our own piece of music.

To make the music we used natural materials found in forest schools, our body and our voices.

It was so much fun!

Apologies for the upside down videos!!

We used our voices and our jacket zip to make a make noises. Miriam and Yocheved


The Super Worms- We used trees, sticks and stones and our voices to make music. We used our waterproofs to make a zippy noise. We tried to make a stormy sound!


The Lovely Ladybirds- We used crunchy leaves, stones and sticks to make our crazy music!

The Army Ants- We used our voices, sticks, leaves, grass and stones to make our music sound like a wavy wind.


I rubbed a plant on a tree to make a rattling noise. Jessica

I used my leg to move a branch to make a springy noise! Sammy R



Forest Schools

This week in Forest Schools we were exploring our sense of touch. We went exploring to find different leaves, twigs, tress etc. and talked about how they felt. Some leaves were dry and crispy and some were smooth. Some rocks were hard and the mud was soggy.

We then looked at the texture of the bark form trees. We used crayons to rub the texture of the tree onto the paper and we described how it felt.

I found a wet branch that was really floppy and a feather that was really soft ! Aman

We found some fuzzy leaves that tickled. Miriam and Josh

I found a hard stone and some spiky branches. Yocheved