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Kabbalat Shabbat change

Due to the change of date of the  Primary 6 whole school Kabbalat Shabbat, here is who will be sitting on the Shabbat table on March 17th.

Aba – Louie Bloomfield-Spence

Ima – Pippa Ure

Guest 1 – Harry MacFarlane

Guest 2 – Melanie Grossman

Child 1 – Sheer Stav Silberberg

Child 2 – Noah Rosenthal

Please come and join us to celebrate with the children.

Tu B’Shevat

Primary 3 performed fabulously at our Tu B’Shevat assembly last week.   They told everybody about how we celebrate this fun festival as well as telling us about how special the Almond Tree is in Israel.  They sang each song beautifully.

Every child enjoyed their fruit parties on Tuesday and were brave enough to try something that they hadn’t tried before, for example dates and olives.  thank you to those parents who helped prepare the fruit for the children.

Primary 7 enjoyed a more formal Tu B’Shevat Seder where we blessed 4 cups of wine, sang songs and talked about the symbolic features of the different fruits.  Lots of fun was had by all.

Questions to ask your children:

Can you name the 7 fruits of Israel in Hebrew and English?

Which is the first tree to blossom in Israel?

How old does a tree have to be before you can eat it’s fruits?

Image result for tu B' shevat

Parasha Vayechi

Vayechi is the last parasha in the book of Bereshit. Yacov is close to dying and asks Yosef to be by his side. He asks him to make sure that he is not buried in Egypt. Yacov blesses each of his sons and Yosef’s two sons, Efraim and Menashe. He swapped his hands round when giving the blessing, placing his right hand on the younger boy’s head. The family is finally united as the Children of Israel. Yacov dies, and is mourned by all in Egypt and Yosef lives the rest of his life in Egypt.This is the end of the first book of Torah, Bereshit.

Questions to ask your children:

What were Yosef’s dreams?

What did the butler and baker dream?

What did their dreams mean?

What did Paroh dream and what did they mean?

How did Yosef become so powerful?

What happened next with Yosef’s family?



Kabbalat Shabbat Rota – Lower School

Please take a look at the Kabbalat Shabbat rota for this term.

Please feel free to join us for any Kabbalat Shabbat. We begin at 10:30am.

  13/01 20/01 27/01 03/02 10/02


17/02 24/02
1 Josh L Luca N Ben P Sammy R   Muneeb S Aman S
2 Zohar C Pippa F Marnie J SamanthaM   Miriam W Maddie B
3 Katie B Stella C Alice J Lori H   Ava G Lucy M
4 Freddie F Zac H Leo R Noah R   Joshua S Jasper T
03/03 10/03 17/03 24/03 31/03
Ross T Harry V David V Kaleb V SEDER

Upper School

No KS today

Yocheved B Jessica B Maya B Tia C  
Talia R Phoebe T Lucy V Korin B  
Yisrael B Jamin E Isaac R Dovid A








Parsha Toldot

This week’s Parasha is written by Sophie Parry and Leo Tomkins

This is a story of Esav and Yakov.

Yitzchak and Rivkah were married for a long time and they were going to have a baby at last.

But Rivkah could feel something wrong ,that there was a struggle going on with her body.

She spoke to g-d and asked why deeply troubled

She didn’t have 1 baby boy but she had 2 baby boys.

Esau liked to hunt and when he was born he was covered in red hair all over

Yakov was the good one and loved to study.

One day Yakov was cooking some lentil stew

Esav was really hunger when he came back from hunting.

Esav asked Yakov if he could have some lentil stew .

Because apparently he was dying of hunger)

Yakov made a deal with Esav that he would give him his birth right and he would give him some lentil stew.

The deal was done and now Jacob had Esav’s birthright.

Isaac was dying and wanting his favourite son to be blessed.

Rivkah told Yakov to do the blessing instead of Esua

Esav was hairy and Yakov was not.

Rivkah had a plan to turn Yakov into Esav

Jacob was blessed and Esav was mad.

Rivkah told Yakov to run to her brother Lavan.


Mitzvah Day 2016

Please take a look at your children’s class blog for information on what they did for Mitzvah Day 2016.

Parasha Cheyei Sarah

At the beginning of this week’s parasha Sarah dies and is buried in the cave of Machpelah.  We read that Avraham sends Eliezer, his servant, to find a wife for Yitzchak. After his journey, while resting by a well, Eliezer decides to test see who would be perfect wife for Yitzchak. He wanted to see if there was a kind girl who would give water to him and also his camels. Rivka walked up to the well and passed the test. She gave water to Eliezer and his 10 camels.  Now that was a lot of water!Eliezer was invited into Rivka’s father’s home, and he tells them all about the test. Eliezer asks for her hand in marriage to Yitzchak and her father and brother agree. So the very next day Eliezer and Rivkah set out on their journey back to Canaan. When Rivkah approaches Yitzchak (who is praying to Hashem in a field) for the very first time, she covers her face with a veil. Yitzchak and Rivkah are married shortly after. Avraham died at the age of 175. His two older sons, Yitzchak and Yishmael make peace and come together to bury him in the Cave of Machpelah, beside Sarah.

Questions to ask your children:

How old was Sarah when she died?

Where was Sarah buried?

How much money did Avraham pay to the man who owned the cave?

Which presents did Eliezer give to Rivkah?

The children in Primary 2 were thinking about what Yitzchak was praying to Hashem about and have written their own prayers to Hashem.  They enjoyed reading them out at Kabbalat Shabbat this morning.




Bereshit and Noach

The children have been learning about the first stories from the Torah.  How Hashem created the world, Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel.

Questions to ask your children at home.

How many days did it take Hashem to create the world?

What did Hashem create on Day 4?

Who tempted Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge?

What was their punishment?

Why did Noah have to build an Ark?

How many days did it rain for?

How did Noah know it was safe to leave the Ark?

What happened to the people who built the Tower of Babel?

Primary 1 were very busy making their creation display. 




Kabbalat Shabbat Rotas – October to December

Please take a look at the Kabbalat Rota to see when your child is on the table.   This can be subject to change.  Any changes will be posted on the blog.  Please remember you are welcome at any time to come and join us for Kabbalat Shabbat.

Upper School

  07/10 14/10





28/10 04/11 11/11






Aba Ben J     Jamie L Daniel D   Daniel T
Ima Rachel M     Abi B Hannah O   Pippa U
Guest 1 Zidane R     Faizan A Fatimah B   Jake B
Guest 2 Sophia D     Zaynah A Edie T   Amy C
Child 1 Aydin D     Shira C Aviv D   Josh B
Child 2 Erin H     Saul O Sophie G   Millie C
  25/11 02/12 09/12 16/12 23/12




Aba Ben B Louis B Oliver T Daniel S      
Ima Flora L Ava S Jenna W Esther V      
Guest 1 Jessica J Sophie P Sania H Milla M      
Guest 2 Hadi K Leo T Michael K Muzzammil      
Child 1 Maya B Sienna L Moshe B Inaaya A      
Child 2 Noah R Zachary L Mishal H Sally D    


Lower School



07/10 14/10





28/10 04/11 11/11






1 Zohar C     Pippa F Marnie J SamanthaM Harry V
2 Sammy R     Muneeb S Aman S Ross T Miryam W
3 Ava G     Lori H Alice J Lucy M Talia R
4 Leo R     Noah R Josh S Jasper T Yisrael B
  25/11 02/12 09/12 16/12
1 David D Kaleb V Calum W Daniel B
2 Maddie B Yocheved B Jessica B Maya B
3 Phoebe T Lucy V Dovid A Nina B
4 Jamin E Isaac R Korin B Toby B