Parasha of the week – Tazria-Metzora

This week we learn in a double portion all about a strange illness called Tzara’at. In the times of the Mishkan and Beit Hamikdash, Tzara’at was a disease caused by gossiping or speaking badly about another person (Lashan Ha-Ra). The only way to be sure that a particular white spot on the skin was in fact the dreaded disease, was for the person to be examined by a Kohen, not by a doctor!  The person would have to leave their home and stay away from the camp for at least a week and undergo certain rituals after they were declared cured.  Then they could bring offerings and return home.  The offerings included two birds, one of which would be set free.  The symbolism of the birds is that they twitter – is that not how people nowadays like to keep in touch, by ‘tweeting?’  Lets hope only for sharing good news!

We also learn that warnings about a person’s behaviour would be given before they actually suffered the disease – their homes would become stained by patches of different colours and even clothing could be affected. If the person did not make an attempt to change his ways and make up for the hurt caused, then the evidence of their Lashan Ha-Ra would be visible for everyone to see.  This was to teach that we should act on warnings and not leave things until it is too late for a bad consequence to result, and also that everything we have – all our possessions – including our homes and clothes are gifts from Hashem and should be treated with respect.


Questions to ask your children

What is Lashan-Ha-Ra?

How would you feel if someone spoken Lashan-Ha-Ra about you?

How could you tell if someone had been talking badly about some?

How would this person be cured?

Please take a look at the following link.


Shabbat Shalom




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