Parasha Vayera

The children have been learning about the mitzvot of Hachnasat Orchim, (hospitality) and Bikur Cholin (visiting the sick).

Just three days after he had his brit mila,  Avraham welcomes 3 guests into his tent and feeds them. Sarah is told that she will have a child. Avraham argues with God about destroying Sodom. Sodom is destroyed, but Lot is saved. Avraham and Sarah travel to Gerar. Yitzchak is born. Hagar and Ishmael are expelled and then saved from starvation by God. The Akeda (binding of Yitzchak): God tells Avraham to sacrifice Yitzchak, his son. So he binds Yitzchak up and just before Avraham slaughters him, a voice from heaven calls out to tell him not to.  Instead, Avraham sacrifices a ram and uses his horn as a shofar. At the end of the portion, Rivka is born.

Questions to ask your children…

How old was Sarah when she found out she was going to have a baby?

Which mitzvah were the three men doing when they went to  Avraham’s tent?

How did Avraham show hospitality?

What happened to Lot’s wife when they escaped from Sedom?

Our lower school Shabbat table this morning



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