Lower School Kabbalat Shabbat

Please come and join us each Friday at 10:15am














Guest 1 Sammy R Sammy B Luca Lola Shavuot Assembly
Guest 2 Miriam Zohar Maddie Adam
Guest 3 Leo Jasper Jamin Isaac
Guest 4 Katie Lori Lucy V Phoebe
Guest 5 Joshua B Sam Joshua R Murtaza
Guest 6 Ella Samantha Libby Thalia














Guest 1 Muneeb Calum Ben Harry Josh
Guest 2 Maya Pippa Zanib Samantha Jessica
Guest 3 Noah Zac Leo Yisrael Ian
Guest 4 Talia Katie Stella Nina Ava
Guest 5 Ibrahim Jared Vyom Oscar Edwin
Guest 6 Amber Sara Isla Mille Adi



Guest 1 Kaleb
Guest 2 Marnie
Guest 3 Freddie
Guest 4 Lucy M
Guest 5 Oliver
Guest 6 Alex



Upper School Kabbalat Shabbat Rota April to June

Please come and join us for Kabbalat Shabbat at 11am every Friday.







Aba Daniel T Michael K P6 Kabbalat Shabbat
Ima Daniella Ksenia
Guest 1 Ali Zak
Guest 2 Muhammad Faizan
Child 1 Sienna Meir
Child 2 Zachary Lian














Aba Leo T Shavuot Assembly P2 Jake B Jamie L P7 Kabbalat Shabbat
Ima Zipporah Sophie P Jenna W
Guest 1 Zidane Jessica Harrison
Guest 2 Sophia Fathima Zaynah
Child 1 Milla M Skye Sheer
Child 2 Saul Noah Jonah











Aba Louie B Daniel T  Michael K
Ima Flora L Ellie B Abigail S
Guest 1 Emmen Milla Imogen
Guest 2 Amy Shakira Sania
Child 1 Moshe Zahra Naomi
Child 2 Millie C Aydin Safiyan

Kabbalat Shabbat Rota January 2017

Please take a look at the new rotas that begin in January.  We hope you can join us to celebrate Shabbat.

Upper School













Aba Michael K Jamie L Primary 4 Kabbalat Shabbat Louis Daniel
Ima Ksenia Ellie B Zipporah Flora
Guest 1 Melanie Inaaya Hamza Haseeb
Guest 2 Dylan Anita Ariel Gracie
Child 1 Lian Safiyan Inaaya Aydin
Child 2 Meir Imaan Zahra  Maddie














Aba In-service Day Michael K Leo T Primary 5 Kabbalat Shabbat Jake B
Ima Ava Jenna Sophie P
Guest 1 Oscar Tabitha Zac
Guest 2 Hassan Arjun Maia
Child 1 Josh Sally Sophie
Child 2 Shira Aviv Logan









Aba Jamie L Daniel T    
Ima Abigail Daniella    
Guest 1 Liam Ali    
Guest 2 Ayisha Muhammad    
Child 1 Erin Sienna    
Child 2 Mishal Zachary    


Lower School













Guest 1 Harry Calum Muneeb Adam Daniel
Guest 2 Maddie Lola Pippa Maya Marnie
Guest 3 Jamin Isaac Dovid Toby Ian
Guest 4 Lucy V Talia Phoebe Korin Nina
Guest 5 Ibrahim Sam Murtaza Oliver Vyom
Guest 6 Thalia Samantha Amber Isla Leah














Guest 1 In-service Day Josh Primary 1 Kabbalat Shabbat Sammy R Aman
Guest 2 Samantha Miriam Yocheved
Guest 3 Freddie Leo Yisrael
Guest 4 Becca Katie Zac
Guest 5 Oscar Joshua B Dawud
Guest 6 Leyla Ella Alex









Aba Ross Kaleb    
Ima Jessica Tia    
Guest 1 Leo Noah    
Guest 2 Ava Stella    
Child 1 Nathan Edwin    
Child 2 Millie Adi    

Kabbalat Shabbat Rota October to December

Upper School Kabbalat Rota





3/11 10/11 17/11 24/11




Aba Leo T Michael K Jamie L Daniel T Louis B
Ima Zipporah Flora Sophie Abigail Daniella
Guest 1 Hadi Chandon Emmen Amy Shakira
Guest 2 Izzah Jessica Sukaina Milla Atika
Child 1 Sienna Milla M Skye Noah Naomi
Child 2 Zachary Saul O Jonah Sheer Moshe






8/12 15/12  



Aba Jake B Leo T Michael K
Ima Jenna Ava Ksenia
Guest 1 Sania Alishba Melanie
Guest 2 Lila Harry Dylan
Child 1 Mishal Millie Lian
Child 2 Aviv Jon Meir

Lower School Kabbalat Shabbat Rota






To take place in the afternoon with the upper school

10/11 17/11 24/11




Guest 1 Aman Ross Kaleb Primary 2 Kabbalat Shabbat Sammy B
Guest 2 Samantha Miriam Yocheved Jessica
Guest 3 Ava Lori Stella Ian B
Guest 4 Freddie Zac Leo Katie B
Guest 5 Vyom Oliver Nathan Dawud
Guest 6 Alex Sara Ella Adi






8/12 15/12  



Guest 1 Luca Ben Harry
Guest 2 Tia Zohar Maddie
Guest 3 Alice Jasper Jamin
Guest 4 Noah Lucy M Lucy V
Guest 5 Jared Libby Ibrahim
Guest 6 Aviyah Joshua Thalia


Aron unveiling


The Aron unveiing took place on Wednesday morning and what a wonderful experience it was.  Whilst the shul choir sang, Rabbi Rubin paraded our new Sefer Torah for the children to kiss, before placing it in our new Aron.  He spoke beautifully to the children about where the SeferTorah has come from and how special it is that it now belongs to us.  The children sang Hallel and we ended the ceremony with Rabbi Rubin blowing the Shofar to tell us that Rosh Hashanah is on its way.

Kabbalat Shabbat Rota August – October

Welcome to a brand new year at our brand new school.  Below is the Kabbalat Shabbat Rota for your reference.

Lower School Kabbalat Shabbat







P1 Siddur presentation

08/09 15/09 29/09




Guest 1 Daniel B Josh L Primary 3 Kabbalat Shabbat Sammy R Yom Kippur Assembly


Guest 2 Maya B Pippa F Marnie J
Guest 3 Dovid A Toby B Yisrael B
Guest 4 Korin B Nina B Becca B
Guest 5 Oscar B Joshua B Leyla B
Guest 6 Leah B Millie B Edwin D



Upper School Kabbalat Shabbat







01/09 08/09 15/09 29/09




Aba Daniel T Jamie L Louis B Jake B Yom Kippur Assembly


Ima Jenna W Ava S Ksenia F Ellie B
Guest 1 Zak S Zidane R Harrison Fathima   B
Guest 2 Faizan A Sophia Zaynah Imogen
Child 1 Chloe B Shira Aviv D Logan H
Child 2 Josh B Sally Sophie G Erin



Parasha of the week – Tazria-Metzora

This week we learn in a double portion all about a strange illness called Tzara’at. In the times of the Mishkan and Beit Hamikdash, Tzara’at was a disease caused by gossiping or speaking badly about another person (Lashan Ha-Ra). The only way to be sure that a particular white spot on the skin was in fact the dreaded disease, was for the person to be examined by a Kohen, not by a doctor!  The person would have to leave their home and stay away from the camp for at least a week and undergo certain rituals after they were declared cured.  Then they could bring offerings and return home.  The offerings included two birds, one of which would be set free.  The symbolism of the birds is that they twitter – is that not how people nowadays like to keep in touch, by ‘tweeting?’  Lets hope only for sharing good news!

We also learn that warnings about a person’s behaviour would be given before they actually suffered the disease – their homes would become stained by patches of different colours and even clothing could be affected. If the person did not make an attempt to change his ways and make up for the hurt caused, then the evidence of their Lashan Ha-Ra would be visible for everyone to see.  This was to teach that we should act on warnings and not leave things until it is too late for a bad consequence to result, and also that everything we have – all our possessions – including our homes and clothes are gifts from Hashem and should be treated with respect.


Questions to ask your children

What is Lashan-Ha-Ra?

How would you feel if someone spoken Lashan-Ha-Ra about you?

How could you tell if someone had been talking badly about some?

How would this person be cured?

Please take a look at the following link.



Shabbat Shalom






We have had a wonderful couple of days celebrating our Seders at school.  From drinking four cups of wine, to singing songs, eating matzah, dipping twice and reciting the 10 plagues.  Please enjoy looking at the photos of the celebrations.  Pesach Sameach!



Upper School Kabbalat Shabbat Rota April to June

21/04 28/04 05/05 12/05 19/05 26/05 02/06
Aba Ben J Primary 6 Kabbalat Shabbat Sergei D Primary 7 Kabbalat Shabbat Ben B Shavuot Assembly P2 Louis B
Ima Pippa U Zipporah A Leah N Ava S
Guest 1 Anita M Aisha Q Hannah S Arjun S
Guest 2 Hassan M Saba R Haseeb S Lila S
Child 1 Skye N Lian G Sienna L Millie C
Child 2 Moshe B Meir W Zachary L Josh B


09/06 16/06 23/06 30/06
Aba Jamie L Daniel T Oliver T Daniel S
Ima Ksenia F Flora L Esther V Jenna W
Guest 1 Zainab A Inaaya K Izzy S Zidane R
Guest 2 Ilya G Tabitha O Faizan A Zak S
Child 1 Milla M Sheer S Erin H Chloe B
Child 2 Safiyan A Logan H Aydin D Jonah V

Lower School Kabbalat Shabbat Rota April to June

  21/04 28/04 05/05 12/05 19/05 26/05 02/06
1 Daniel B Sammy B Luca N Josh L Ben P Shavuot Assembly P2 Sammy R
2 Zohar C Jessica B Samantha M Marnie J Miriam W Maddie B
3 Toby B Ian B Freddie F Zac H Leo R Noah R
4 Nina B Becca B Katie B Alice J Ava G Lori H


  09/06 16/06 23/06 30/06
1 Kaleb V Harry V Calum W Whole School Kabbalat Shabbat
2 Yocheved B Maya B Pippa F
3 Joshua S Yisrael B Jasper T
4 Talia R Stella C Lucy M
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