Category Archives: Expressive Arts

Bang, Crash, Swoosh!

Primary 1 and Primary 2 had a very exciting (and noisy) Fab Friends session today!


Following on from our fantastic trip to Eastwood Theatre to see The Boy Who Cried Wolf we were inspired to create our own production. At the theatre there were three people in the cast who created an atmosphere and added sound effects to tell the story using percussion instruments and their voices.

We decided to do the same with our Fab Friends using percussion instruments and our voices to tell the story of a clip we saw. In the clip there were three main events: a whispering wind, a thundering train and a sad moment.

Miss Lindsay, Miss Dunn, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Mair all though we did a great job of selecting and using instruments to portray an event or feeling in a story.



Eastwood Theatre Trip

We visited Eastwood Theatre today with our Fab Friends from Primary 2!


We have been exploring friendships and emotions with our Fab Friends recently, and a trip to see a production of the moral tale The Boy Who Cried Wolf was an excellent way to conclude our learning.

We got the bus to the theatre with our Fab Friend and then sat beside them in the production.


There were lots of actions, mine and expressive movements in the show and the sound effects were all being made by the three man cast alone! We will be using our Fab Friends time on Friday to try making some of our won sound effects to films and clips.

After the show we all got the opportunity to go up on stage if we wanted to, the cast even made Miss Dunn get up on stage too!

We had a fantastic morning, learning about morals, sound effects and rhymes. Primary 1 would like to say a big thank you to Alice’s, Becca’s and Joshua’s mums for coming to help out on the trip.


Vincent Van Gogh

This week we have been exploring the artist Vincent Van Gogh.

Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait 1887Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait 1887


Through his paintings we learned the phrase ‘self portrait’. This is a painting an artist does of themselves. Jasper said this sounded a bit like a selfie that we take nowadays.

Image result for vincent van gogh painting

Image result for cafe terrace at night

Image result for sunflowers van gogh


Here are some facts we learned:

  • He painted over 900 paintings – Ian
  • He became one of the most famous artist – Korin
  • He was Dutch but moved to France – Isaac
  • No one liked his pictures when he was alive but after he died people really liked them – Joshua
  • He did paintings of the flat he lived in – Noah
  • He painted with bright colours and sunny colours on a big paintbrush – Becca

Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait with bandaged earLots of us found out about Vincent Van Gogh’s ear. Nina explained that he had a fight with his friend and chopped his own ear off!

Check Bags Today!

Primary 1 will be going on an exciting educational outing on Tuesday 7th March 2017! Check bags today for permission slips, information letter and lunch orders.

We have spaces on the bus for one adult per child to accompany them on this trip for a £5 contribution.  To secure an addtional adult place please return attached tear off slip in your child’s communication jotter.

Primary 1 have been exploring Social Studies and Expressive Arts experiences and outcomes through the contexts of Glasgow, Famous Artists and Travel and Transport.




To enhance our learning within these areas we will be participating in a jam packed education outing following including the activities below:

  • Guided tour of Glasgow in Glasgow Sightseeing Bus

Image result for glasgow sightseeing bus

  • Snack at Kelvingrove Art Galleries


  • Famous Artist Task at Kelvingrove Art Galleries

East Hall

  • Lunch at Riverside Museum

Image result for riverside museum

  • Travel and Transport Task at Riverside Museum

Image result for riverside museum cars

Artist Study Week 3

This week we are exploring the Dutch Artist Piet Mondrain. We found out the following interesting facts about Mondrain and had a look a some of his interesting work.

Image result for piet mondrian

This week really challenged our views on what artist’s works look like. Not all famous art work are paintings or interpretations of objects. In fact not all famous art work even uses paint at all!

  • At first Mondrain painted landscapes like Monet. Then he decided he wanted to make pictures his own way and they turned more and more into shapes. – Toby
  • Mondrain said if you look at objects and really look you can see them just as shapes. We tried it with things in the classroom and out the window. Trees I thought were more like triangles. – Issac
  • Mondrain used yellow, red and blue. We learned these are called Primary Colours. – Becca

Can you try looking at the shapes in objects at home and making your own Mondrain inspired art?

Image result for piet mondrianImage result for piet mondrian


Image result for piet mondrian tree

Scots Poetry

As per a request from Primary 1 the words to the Scots poem Ma Wee Rid Motor can be found below.

We have a feeling you will be able to say it off by heart very soon!

In my wee rid motor,
I can gang for miles,
Up and doon the gairden,
Through the lobby whiles.

Mony a bigger motor
Gangs tae toons afaur.
Nane can gang whaur I gang
In my wee rid caur

Image result for red car clip art

Artist Study Week 2

In Week 2 of our Artist Study we have been exploring the French artist Claude Monet.  He was a painter who used materials to imply a picture rather than draw it exactly as we would see it.

Image result for claude monet

We discovered these interesting facts about Monet:

  • You can tell he was born and lived a long time ago because the photos of him have no colour in them – Jamin
  • He liked to paint pictures of nature and not really people. We know these are called landscapes. – Nina
  • We draw a picture by colouring in the lines. Monet used lots of little brush marks together to make his picture and no lines. – Zac

Take a look at the paintings we were most inspired by below:

Image result for famous monet paintingsImage result for famous monet paintings

Image result for famous monet paintings

Some of us preferred Monet’s pieces to Kandinsky’s because they were clearly paintings of objects we know. Miss Dunn told us this was because Kandinsky was an Abstract artist.


Try and investigate what this word means at home!

What an Arty Bunch.

Primary 1 are a class full of budding artists! We have shown a keen interest in art and design this term and as a result we have turned our easel area into an artist exploration area.

Each week we will learn about a new artist and explore using their styles, subjects and techniques at our easel.

Today we learned all about an artist called Kandinsky.

Image result for kandinsky


Image result for kandinsky

Image result for kandinsky

Some of the facts we learned were:

  • Kandinsky was born and lived a long time ago – Lucy MacInnes
  • Kandinsky was a Russian artist – Phoebe
  • Kandinsky was also a musician who made music – Jamin
  • Kandinsky used bright colours and shapes to make his pictures – Noah

Some of us liked Kandinsky’s work and some of us did not. We discussed the fact this was OK as we all have our own likes and dislikes.

Check the blog at the end of the week for some examples of our work.


What the Candles Saw…

Thank you to all the grown ups who came to see us perform in our show “What the Candles Saw” exploring Chanukah from the candles perspective.

We all had an amazing time and the feedback from our audience was first class – apparently it was even cuter than last year!

Please see the photos below for an individual snapshot of your children in their great costumes!

Chanukah Show

Some of you may have noticed this week’s homework mentioning Chanukah.

We have been learning about the story of Chanukah in our Kodesh lessons and preparing for our Chanukah Show.

Take a look at the powerpoint below for the full story of Chanukah:


Image result for chanukah dreidel

We have been learning two new songs for the Chanukah show. Please find the songs and lyrics below:

Ner Li


Ner li, ner li, ner li dakik,

BaChanukah neri ‘adlik. BaChanukah neri ya’ir,

BaChanukah shiri ashir.


Ner li, ner li, ner li dakik,

BaChanukah neri ‘adlik. BaChanukah neri ya’ir,

BaChanukah shiri ashir.


Oh Chanukah, Oh Chanukah

Oh Chanukah, Oh Chanukah Come light the Menorah

Let’s have a party We’ll all dance the Horah

Gather around the table I’ll give you a treat

Sevivon to play with And latkes to eat

And while we are playing The candles are burning low

One for each night They shed a sweet light

To remind us of days long ago


One for each night They shed a sweet light

To remind us of days long ago