Tag Archives: The Victorians

Drama Workshop

This week we looker deeper into what it was like for children in the Victorian era compared to childhood nowadays.

Through a range of drama techniques (as seen in the pictures) we developed our understanding for what life was like for Victorian children who had to work. We created still pictures which then changed into scene making where we improvised in our roles as Victorian child workers. By putting ourself in their shoes and expressing our feelings through actions, it was clear how tough life was for children back then.

We then started to explore the progress for children that came from   the Education Act of 1870 and how people like Dr Bernardo were pioneers for protecting children. Finally, we compared it to our own lives and discussed how far our rights have come by discussing the UN’s Rights of the Child and expressing, through drama, what it means to experience the SHANARRI indicators at Calderwood Lodge.

 “Thought – provoking” Sophie

“Interactive and effective” Daniella

“Interesting and moving” Leo

“It made me think about children’s rights around the world and how fortunate we are” Jake

Role on the Wall

Thought Tracking


Still pictures and scene making


Conscience Alley

Scotland Street Trip to experience a Victorian Classroom

This week we travelled back in time to experience what life was like for pupils in a Victorian classroom.

We walked into Scotland Street and as soon as the boys put on their waistcoats and the girls put in their pinafores we were marched in straight lines to the classroom. The terrifying teacher came out and get us our orders to sit in silence and not speak unless spoken to. 

In the classroom we had to address the teacher as ‘ma’am’ and completed work on slates. She even brought out the belt which had our knees trembling!

Luckily we were brought back to 2018 after a nerve wracking lesson. We learned a lot about how tough it was for children at school during this time and how different it is today. It was a fantastic real life experience that we will remember for a long time!

Our new topic: The Victorians

This week pupils have began their new Social Studies topic, ‘The Victorians’ which everyone is very excited about starting. Pupils were given the opportunity to explain what they already know about this topic and more importantly, what they would specifically like to find out about this era.

The class are very interested in finding out what life was like for children their age during this time, so over the next few weeks we will carry out research to find out what life was like for Victorian children which will then allow pupils to compare it to  their own lives. Everyone is looking forward to developing their knowledge of this era and visiting Scotland Street in a few weeks to  become Victorian Pupils!