Tag Archives: Israel70 project

Israel70 project

Over the last month we have been working on our Israel70 project which is a programme that is being run in 25 Jewish schools across the UK to celebrate the 70th year of Yom Ha’atzmaut.

The idea of the project is to select an object from an Israeli museum to explore its cultural, artistic and historic purpose. This then leads to the creation of our own piece of work.

We chose to study a sculpture (see below)  by Menashe Kadishman (1932-2015) which represents the story of the Sacrifice of Isaac which symbolises Israeli National Service.  We researched this sculpture and the meaning behind it and presented our research in our project book.


The class decided to focus on the ram for our art work and make our own horns. They hot glued wire to a headband and wrapped plastic bags around the wire to give it more thickness. Pupils then wrapped a lot of plastic twine around each piece of wire and when that was complete, the favourite bit, we spray painted the horns.

Everyone really enjoyed making their own sculptures and learning more about the original piece of art work by Kadishman which had such a profound meaning.