
Last week it was PURIM!

Every year everyone in our school dresses up for PURIM!

This year there were some amazing costumes and the teachers theme was hilarious! The teachers theme this year was EMOJIIS!

In the morning we all gathered in the hall and we sang PURIM Songs.  Then we showed off our costumes to the other classes. After the costume parade Rabbi Rubin came in with a phenomenal CAT COSTUME! When he walked through the door everyone laughed.

After that we all went back to our classrooms and the Primary Seven’s hosted some fun activities. There were eight activities altogether:

  • Story Telling & Refreshments
  • Mask Making
  • Mishloch Manot
  • Active Games
  • Quiz
  • Drama Station
  • Colouring / Games
  • Dancing

Everyone enjoyed the great activities and it was lots of fun. The Primary Sevens also enjoyed hosting the activities. To top it off we just wanted to say…