Young People

The Learn Well Service is dedicated to supporting young people who find engaging with school challenging. We are dedicated to supporting both your wellbeing and learning.

Learn Well aims to ensure that you have access to a range of opportunities and experiences to support your learning and wellbeing in order to help you develop, thrive and pursue positive life outcomes.

We want to work alongside you and your family to create a motivating learning path to help you create and achieve your education and wellbeing goals. We will link in with your school (via your pastoral care teacher) to help us develop learning opportunities and resources suited to your learning. However, most importantly, we want to make sure that your voice is heard and that you have an active role in your learning within the Learn Well Service.

Learn Well can offer you bespoke learning experience tailored to your education goals and interests. You will have the opportunity to work at your own pace either independently or in small group settings. Learn Well can also offer alternative experiences to support your wellbeing out with a classroom setting.

Pictures from our Japan themed Summer events:


Dungeons and Dragons Group