All posts by Miss Rice

Newsletter – Easter 2021

Dear families,

It’s great to have everyone back in school and to see how well the children have settled into their new establishment.

Thank you for your continued support in making sure staff and children stay safe in school by ensuring that you adhere to guidance around 2m distancing and wearing face coverings, especially around the perimeter of the school, at pick up and drop off. Please ensure the gates at all entrances are kept as clear as possible.

Remember if your child is unwell, they should not attend school or nursery and if they have any symptoms of COVID (new continuous cough; fever or loss of taste and/or smell) you should keep them at home and arrange to have a test.

There are specific details around what to do if your child gets unwell over the holiday period and these are in a letter which accompanies this newsletter.

Our preferred form of communication at this time is by email and unfortunately the school building is only accessible to staff.

Thanks to everyone in school for being open to continuing with our planned parents’ night via telephone. All staff were very grateful for the ability to share information on children’s learning and the work we are doing to build children’s confidence in their learning, now we are back in school.

I know that nursery staff were in contact regularly with many parents during Lockdown and it’s a bit difficult as we haven’t got a system up and running yet for sharing information with nursery parents. Please be reassured that we are looking into how we can do this and as soon as we have found a possible solution we will be in touch.

We will also be spending time ensuring that children have lots of opportunities to socialise and build up their team working skills again. This may mean that we will be working outdoors or spending time playing games or talking about how we are feeling. All of these will help support children as they settle back into school life.


The Parent Council have lots of events for fundraising planned. Have a look at their Facebook page to see what they have planned. They have also established an ‘easy funding’ account. Anyone looking to support the school while buying on-line can do so via the account

Now that the nursery is finished, staff are able to use the car park which should hopefully ease congestion in the local area. Please note the car park is for staff and visitors only.

Easter Service
Unfortunately this year we can’t have our usual Easter Service. I know that the tradition of bringing in flowers, which are then distributed to local Care Homes, is wonderful and something which is a genuine blessing to those who give and receive, but unfortunately this year, like many other things it won’t be able to go ahead.

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring that the children feel part of the school by wearing school uniform. I understand that some children have grown out of specific Cross Arthurlie uniform, so please remember that as long as your child is wearing navy or grey school clothes, that is school uniform. At assembly this week I mentioned this and reminded children to avoid trainers and branded clothing and hoodies.

The only exception to this is P7. They will hopefully be receiving their ‘leavers’ hoodies soon and many of them have had a significant growth spurt over the Lockdown period. I completely understand that a P7 parent may choose to buy a black skirt or pair of trousers that children will be able to get use of when they go to High School, rather than new navy clothes, for only a few months.

Holidays and In-Service

Mrs Fiona MacDonald
Head Teacher

March Newsletter

Dear families,

We are really looking forward to welcoming all of the children in P4-7 back to school on Monday.

Thank you for your continued support in making sure staff and children stay safe in school by ensuring that you adhere to guidance around 2m distancing and wearing face coverings, especially around the perimeter of the school at pick up and drop off. Please ensure the gates at both entrances are kept as clear as possible.

Remember if your child is unwell, they should not attend school and if they have any symptoms of COVID (new continuous cough; fever or loss of taste and/or smell) you should keep them at home and arrange to have a test.

If a child is at home self-isolating, work will be available through their ‘Home Learning’ Google Classroom.

Our preferred form of communication at this time is by email and unfortunately the school building is only accessible to staff.

There are also restrictions placed on the time staff can stay in the building. All staff have to be out of their classrooms by 3:30pm and out of the building by 3.45pm, continuing their preparation and planning from home. This makes it more difficult for teachers to return phone calls. We will try to get back to you, but it might be one of the SMT (Mrs MacDonald; Miss Rice; Miss Galloway or Mrs Craig) rather than your child’s class teacher.

Returning to School

School day
We are still operating a staggered school day to try to avoid congestion in and around the school gates. Primaries 1,3,5 & 7 will start at 8:45am and finish at 2:45pm. Primaries 2,4 & 6 will start at 9am and finish at 3pm.

The children will use the playgrounds and entrances they used previously, washing their hands when they come into school and at various points throughout the day.

Grab bags
When your child returns to school, it would be really helpful if they could bring their ‘grab bags’ and any jotters they have completed. The children are still in the habit of completing mental maths and spelling tasks for homework and this will continue on their return to school.

Learning and teaching
Teachers will spend the next few weeks finding out where the children are at in their learning. A range of different approaches will be used to make sure we have a good grasp of levels children are confident working at within reading, writing and maths so that we can plan well for the next steps in learning.
We will also be spending time ensuring that children have lots of opportunities to socialise and build up their team working skills again. This may mean that we will be working outdoors or spending time playing games or talking about how we are feeling. All of these will help support children as they settle back into school life.

Chrome Books
As the children are now all back at school it is really important that all Chrome Books are returned. If you borrowed a school Chrome Book, could you please arrange to drop it off, along with the charger, at the front entrance, at the following times/days –

P4/1 – Tuesday after 9am
P4/2 – Tuesday before 3pm
P5/1- Wednesday after 8.45am
P5/2- Wednesday before 2.45pm
P6/1 – Thursday after 9am
P6/2 – Thursday before 3pm
P7/1 – Friday after 8.45am
P7/2- before 2.45pm

Red Nose Day
This year for Red Nose Day we will be giving each child a Red Nose to take home with them. If you would like to make a donation to Comic Relief you can do so on their webpage -

The Parent Council have lots of events for fundraising planned. Have a look at their Facebook page to see what they have planned.

Nursery Update
I am delighted to let you know that the nursery will be open from Monday 15th March. The children and staff have had some taster sessions this week and are loving their new space. I shared a video with the children on assembly last week which you can find using this link I’m sure you’ll agree it is amazing what has been created in the space that was available.

Now that the nursery is finished, staff are able to use the car park, which should hopefully ease congestion in the local area. Please note the car park is for staff and visitors only. It is important that this is strictly adhered to as nursery children and parents will be lining up at various points throughout the day to collect and drop of their children.

Yours truly
Mrs Fiona MacDonald

Newsletter – 12th February 2021

Dear families,

I realise that you will be anxious to know what the plans are in school should the First Minister confirm that the phased return to school can start on Monday 22nd February. If this is confirmed children in P1-3 should come to school and those in P4-7 (other than Key Workers) will remain working at home.

Returning to school

Children in P1 & P3 will be in school 8:45am -2:45pm  and children in P2, 9am -3pm. This will help avoid us creating crowds. Please make sure that for adults, face coverings are worn and 2m distancing is maintained. All of the other systems for minimising contact will be maintained e.g. staff and children only in the building, regular hand washing and different playtimes to minimise the risk of contact. Children in the ‘hub’ attend 9-3.

As most children in P4-7 will be working from home we will still have minimum numbers of staff in school for P4-7. Miss Carroll will be working in P1/2 from 22nd February rather than in P2.

Childcare arrangements

I know that a number of families will be affected by these new arrangements, either because they have children in both P1-3 & P4-7 or as they work in schools or nurseries now require ‘hub’ places. If, due to the fact that you work in a school or nursery and are now working full time please complete the following form.

Given that the decision for P1-3 to return is a national one I can’t alter timings but we will be understanding that families with a few children may need to make slightly different arrangements for pick up and drop off. Please let us know about this by emailing the school office and someone will be in touch to talk through how we can help.

On-line Learning

There will be no new work on the Google Classrooms we have been using during this time for children in P1-3 although should your child be absent due to having to self-isolate, there will be work on the ‘Home Learning’ Google Classroom, unfortunately this will not include live Google Meets.

As there are children in P4 who have younger sibilings in P1-3 we have re-arranged the time for their Google Meet. Google Meets will now start at the following times:

P7        10:00 a.m.

P6        11:00 a.m.

P5        11:30 a.m.

P4        1:00 p.m.


Jotters and paper based work

We have pulled together some new paper-based materials for families in P4-7 to supplement the on-line learning. We know that some children are also running out of jotters. Jotters are available to be collected from school. If you are planning to collect jotters or additional paper resources please come between 9.30a.m. and 2.30 p.m. to avoid too many people being at the door.

Finally ….

Thank you for your continued understanding and support at this difficult time. We are all looking forward to when we can welcome all the children back in school. Our children are very resilient but we are aware they have particularly missed time with their friends. We will ensure  that whenever the children are back in school, now or later, we will spend time supporting friendships as well as supporting learning.

If you have any questions please email the school office  or if you need to, you can also phone between 9am and 3pm, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @crossarthurlie.

Fiona MacDonald


August 2020 Update

Dear families,

Thank you for your continued support as we adjust to our new routines. As we move forward things will come to light and we will have to adapt. It’s a pleasure to see our children so well dressed in their school uniforms. Many thanks for your support in keeping with our Dressing for Excellence policy, especially in these more challenging circumstances.

One of the on-going issues for us is cars. It is really important that as far as possible children walk to school or if you need to bring a car you park slightly further away rather than coming along Fern Drive. With construction work still underway our already challenging parking situation is even worse.

Learning Outdoors and Clothing
It has been delightful to see our children out in the playground again with their friends. They are now familiar with our new routines, including knowing the areas of the playground that are specific to their year group. Children also have the option of eating their packed lunches in the playground, which has proved very popular.
We have already seen a change in the weather since the start of term, so it’s important that the children are appropriately clothed for being outside. Children will benefit from having a showerproof or waterproof jacket and should come to school with one every day, as the weather can be changeable, even if it’s warm, bright and sunny at the start of the day.

Children will be exploring many aspects of the curriculum outside, including PE. At this point in time, children do not require a change of clothing for PE, but do need comfortable footwear or trainers, which they can change into. These should be brought to school every day as our use of the outdoor space is flexible and classes may go outside on any day of the week.

The children have been focussing on health and well-being in their lessons and this is helping make sure they are all in a good place to learn.

One of our biggest priorities at the moment is finding out where the children are at with their learning. This may mean that some of the work your child is doing in class may be things they have already covered but, due to Lockdown, are not as confident as they once were. Teachers are assessing children in literacy and numeracy with all children in P2-7 being assessed individually to gauge their confidence in reading.

We won’t be issuing homework to most classes until after the September weekend.

Our preferred form of communication at this time is by email . It is important that we try to avoid multiple people coming to the front door, please make sure your child brings everything they will need for the day.

Yours truly
Mrs MacDonald

October 2019

Maths Week

We had great fun with our learning this week celebrating Maths week. The House Captains organised an online quiz for P3-7 and class quizzes for P1& 2 giving every child in the school the chance to participate.

We also made great use of the building works for the nursery as a way of making our learning in maths meaningful. Visits from the architect and current site manager, talking about how they use maths in their day to day working lives. Having access to the plans of the nursery helped us demonstrate why accurate measurement and concepts such as ‘birds-eye’ and ‘elevated’ plans are so important. We will build on this relationship between maths and the nursery build over the course of this term.

Football Success

The boys and girls in P6 & 7 were very excited to bring home the boys St John’s cup for football. Up against stiff competition from the other schools in the area, the boys came first and with girls coming second, it was a great day.

Digital Learning

Digital Schools Award

The children have increased the number and range of ways in which they access digital technologies over the past number of years. This month we are being assessed to see if we will be accredited with a Digital Schools award. Miss Galloway and Mrs McWilliams were the staff leading this work and we are really hopeful that all their hard work pays off with the school receiving the award.

Class Blogs

The class blogs are all up and running and can be accessed via the school website:

Class Blogs

Given that staff are updating the Blogs on a regular basis, they will no longer complete individual interim reports in October. All other communications with parents will continue, including open afternoons, parents evenings and final reports in June.  As always if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s learning please contact us.

Parent Council News

The Parent Council usually meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month in Barrhead High at 7pm.

In addition the Parent Council has a Facebook page for all parents at the school: Cross Arthurlie PC/ Fundraisers. This is a closed group for parents and will provide you with information on up and coming events.

The first of the Parent Council events will be the Hallowe’en disco on Wednesday 23rd October.


VIP assembly

Every month we have an assembly where we celebrate children who are recognized as demonstrating the school values. This certificates were awarded for children who demonstrate the school value of honesty. Awards were presented to: Georgia Pearson: Connor Gallagher: Emily Turnbull: Sophie Paton: Scott Druce: Lewis: Sam McFadyen: Fin Martin: Ryan Connell: Adam Sharif: Lucie Johnston: Freya Davidson: Mylee Pollock: Jessica Ferguson: Travis Glasper: Lewis Murray: Harris McCulloch: Orla McSporran: Harry Johns: Amber Mungavin: Lyla Winning.

We also like to celebrate achievements out of school at these assemblies, which are usually the first Wednesday of each month. If you would like to let us know about a particular achievement, please drop us an email, or if you prefer, your child could bring an award/certificate into school so that we can celebrate their success out of school as well as those in school.


Mrs MacDonald

Head Teacher


September 2019

Homework Diaries P4-7

This year we are having an increased focus on children being more active and responsible. After using the diaries for the first time last year we have redesigned them to hopefully make them more child and parent friendly. Children will record what they are learning and any significant events in this diary. Please encourage your child by regularly signing their diary and talking to them about what they have been learning.

Building Works

Fleming have been appointed as the builders for the new nursery at Cross Arthurlie. We are very excited to be having this addition to the school, although we realise it will cause some changes to our usual routines while the building is taking place. The car park in particular will be very tricky and as I have already intimated, will be for staff parking only. Anyone coming to school during the school day will have to use the side gate. New signs will be installed to remind everyone of the safe route into school. I have talked to children about this particularly as it means children arriving by taxi or being picked up for doctors/ dentist appointments will have to use the designated pedestrian access.

Please do not park at the Co-op, the space is very tight and by blocking spaces regular customers cannot get access. The Co-op are huge supporters of the school and it is disappointing that a few parents are causing difficulties for Co-opstaff .

Staffing news

Mrs McWilliams had her little boy Oliver last week (a little earlier than ex-pected). Miss Lilley started with us on a temporary basis on Friday and will be teaching the children Mrs McWilliams was previously teaching.

Google Classrooms

A number of teachers have set up ‘Google Classrooms’ for their children. Children can access these through their GLOW account on the Internet. If you don’t have access to the Internet, please ask your child’s teacher or the school office as we have a number of lunchtime homework clubs which your child could perhaps access.

Parent Council news

The Parent Council are always keen to welcome new members. They had their first meeting on Tuesday and were pleased to welcome new members. The Parent Council usually meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month in Barrhead High at 7p.m.

In addition the parent council has a Facebook page for all parents at the school: Cross Arthurlie PC/ Fundraisers. This is a closed group for parents and will provide you with information on up and coming events.


Could you please make sure your child has a waterproof jacket and that it has your child’s name on it.


We will have our first House meeting next Friday. All children will be part of a house and work towards weekly house prizes and a termly treat. The Houses are Craigie(yellow) ; Shanks (red); Levern (blue) and Glennifer (green)

Standards and Quality Report and School Improvement Plan

At the recent Parent Council I discussed the improvements the school has made and the focus for future improvement. These are detailed within the School Improvement Plan 2019-2022 and the Standards and Quality Report 2018-2019 which can be found on the school website.

I have prepared a summary of the documents which I have distributed with this newsletter. If anyone would like a paper copy or further information about anything in either document please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office.

Head Lice

There have been a few reports of head lice in school. Please ensure you check your child’s head regularly and speak to your local pharmacist for advice.

VIP assembly

We also like to celebrate achievements out of school at these assemblies , which are usually the first Wednesday of each month. If you would like to let us know about a particular achievement please drop us an email, or if you prefer your child could bring an award/certificate into school so that we can celebrate their success out of school as well as those in school.

Every month we have an assembly where we celebrate children who are recognised as demonstrating the school values. This certificates were awarded for children who demonstrate the school value of fairness. Awards were presented to: Kyrin Wallace, Mia Lily Donald, Eliza Whyte, Lucy Clark, Evie Downs, Abby Shannon, jihna Khorchid, Olivia Stevenson, Zac Davidson, Orla McSporran, Naomi Blyth, Kian Dougherty, Sophie Clynes, Sam Blair, Elise Fullerton, Cara Foy, Sophie Paton, Kaci Wales, Adam Falconer, Olivia McQuade.


Mrs MacDonald

Head Teacher


March 2019

Hopefully everyone will have their appointments with their child’s teacher this Wednesday and Thursday. A few other things will be happening during this time which we hope you find helpful.

Nursery Plans

The plans for the nursery are available on the Parent Council’s notice board for everyone to view and comment upon.

Chinese Art Work

As a Confucius Hub we are learning about both the language and culture of China. This term we have been celebrating the Chinese ‘Year of the Pig’ and many of the children have been creating beautiful art work. As commerce and commercial interests are an integral part of Chinese culture, on this occasion, we will have the children’s art work on display and available to buy for a small donation.

Nurturing Approaches

One of the priorities for the Cluster Improve-ment Plan was to consider how we continue to develop nurturing approaches throughout the school. We would be really grateful if you could complete a short questionnaire about this to help us with future planning.

School Show

Thanks to everyone who responded to our requests for help with costumes for the school. We are all really excited (and a bit nervous!) about the show, which will be on Thursday 28th March at 7pm in Barrhead High.

World Book Day

We had a great time last Thursday celebrating World Book Day. The children were really excited to share their favourite books and there was a real buzz around the school. One of my favourite parts of the day was when P7 and P1 shared their stories with one another. Both children in P7 and in P1 were completely engrossed in hearing from one another.

Red Nose Day

As you know P7 have been selling red noses for Red Nose Day this Friday. Children are invited to wear something red, along with their school uniform, and their noses, on Friday for a donation to this great cause. P7 will also be holding a cake & candy on Friday. Items will be priced from 20p. All donations of cake & candy will be greatly appreciated.

Easter Service

Due to the lateness of Easter this year, the Easter Service will be after our main Spring holiday this year. It will be held on Wednesday 17th April at 9:30 am. As part of the school’s charity work, P3 & P4 will be collecting flowers for display at the Easter service, which they will then be taken to a local care home.

Parent Council

We are very grateful , as a school to the Parent Council for their on-going donations to the school from fund raising activities. The school discos and family fun night are just two recent examples of the great work carried out by families in the school who volunteer their time to raise funds and provide additional experiences for your children. The dates of the next meetings (to be held in Barrhead High School ) are : 30/04/19; 04/06/19 (AGM in Cross Arthurlie).

Celebrating our Learning

Thank you to who came along to the Open Afternoon. Once again it was great to see so many friends and family in school celebrating what the children have been learning. We really appreciate the fact that so many parents and other family members take the time in their busy lives to come and see what we have been learning.

School Disco

As you know we have a one way system for pick up and drop off at the school discos. This was introduced following safety concerns when a child managed to leave the hall without an adult as people were coming in and leaving through the same doors. While we appreciate it can take a couple of minutes longer we will always put the children’s safety first.

Chinese Hub

One of the other benefit that we get from being a Confucius Hub is that we are invited to Edinburgh Zoo. Primary 6 benefitted this time and even had the treat of seeing the panda (although it was sleeping).

Sensory Garden

Mrs Eddie and the Eco-committee have worked incredibly hard to create a new sensory garden. More details to follow!

ASSEMBLY : VIP assembly, Kindness

This month’s VIP assembly was a little quiet as P5 were away to Belmont. They had an amazing time and both children and staff came back tired but happy.

There were also a number of children absent due to illness. They will receive their awards at a later date.

The award this month was for kindness and the following children achieved an award : Travis Glasper, Brayden Miller, Cara Foy, Abby Shannon, Poppy Aird, Fin Martin, Billy Gray, Brooke Pearson, Kyle Bone, Taliah Horsley, Ava McCullock, Ruby Maclaren, lee Gilmour, Sara Todd, David Jackson, Hannah More, Orla McSporran, Iona Thomason, Kiera MacPherson.

We also celebrated successes in the following: for reading, Harvey Grant, Abbie McMillan, Jack Adams and Ellie Clarkson; dancing, Linda Currie & Abi Hamilton; Brownie award, Alisha Ramsay and Cheerleading, Ruby and Lily Maclaren.


Mrs MacDonald

Head Teacher


February 2019

As you will be aware one of our P6 children, Mirin, very sadly passed away in January. We held a short assembly last Thursday to celebrate her life. As well as thoughts from myself and Rev. Gordon, Miss Rice and I shared some thoughts and poems written by children. We know that supporting the children through this period of grief and loss will be on-going and have added some information for parents and children on the school website. We also have paper copies of the support leaflet available from the school office. If you would like to discuss any concerns you have around this please feel free to contact the school office.

The pupil council are chatting to the children about the possibility of planting crocuses on the hill at the back of the school in memory of Mirin and will keep everyone informed about this.

New Nursery Class

Plans for the new nursery class were shared with the Parent Council on Tuesday night. These are now available to view on the Parent Council notice board in school.

School Improvement Plan

Staff are continuing to work on developing literacy and numeracy as part of the School Improvement Plan. We have bought in a number of new resources and replaced some others.

Unfortunately we had to use £2000 of the school budget to replace missing reading books in the infant department.

Road Safety

As you know at Cross Arthurlie we have a number of children who walk or cycle to school. If you choose to drive instead please remember causing congestion or obstruction near schools is selfish and dangerous. Parking is restricted in the following:

School keep clear and zig zag lines

Double yellow lines

Single yellow lines

Parking on a pavement or verge

 Double parking and dropped footways

 School bus bays

 Pedestrian crossings

Parking in disabled bays unless you’re a blue badge carrier

‘Cinderella and Rockerfella’

The auditions have taken place and rehearsals are underway for the school show. There will be one performance on Thursday 28th March at 7pm in Barrhead High School. We will shortly be looking for help with costumes. If anyone is able to volunteer to help with this, the school office would love to hear from you .

Parent Council

At the last Parent Council meeting I was able to share the drawings for the new nursery class planned to open in August 2020. These plans are now available to view on the Parent Council notice board. If you have any comments about the plans please leave your comments with the school office who will pass them on to the Parent Council

The dates of the next meetings (to be held in Barrhead High School ) are : 05/03/19; 30/04/19; 04/0/619 (AGM in Cross Arthurlie)

Celebrating Our Learning

Our second Open Afternoon is on Tuesday 26th February. This is a great opportunity for the children to share everything that they have been learning with their families, please come along and see what your child has been learning.

Also don’t forget to return the slip for Parents’ Evening which was issued this week.

Lots of children celebrated the life and works of Robert Burns and his impact upon Scottish culture during January. We were very grateful to the families who came along to the class assemblies of P7/1 on the Holocaust and P4/2 on the Rainforest. It’s really great to see how these important issues are well understood by our children in order that they build a better future .

Chinese New Year

As a Confucius Hub we have once again been celebrating Chinese New Year . Each class has also been working on some Chinese art work which you will be available to view and buy during Parents’ Night. We are also, once again, able to run our very popular Chinese Family Cookery Club. All of these activities are possible due to the additional funding we receive from CISS (Confucius Institute in Scotland).


We had our VIP Assembly on Wednesday this week. It was great to celebrate the children who were recognized as demonstrating the school value of ‘respect’.

Well done to the following children:

Eliza Whyte, May Crangle, Ellie Clarkson, Laurel Maclaren, Ruby Noble, Beth Conroy, Molly Docherty, Emme Johnston, Robyn Shirlaw, David Brook, Erin Brogan, Dominique McEwan, Lauren Jamieson, Josh McFarlane, Bruce Hannah, Chloe Forbes, Kelly Rocks, Jessica Ferguson, Aeryn Thomson & Abbie Noble.

During our VIP Assembly we also celebrate children who have achievements out of school and in their community. This month we celebrated the following children : Aimee Williamson for dancing : Dylan Quinn and Lewis Murray for football : Under 13s and Under 11s boys and girls football.

If you child has anything they would like to share or an achievement to celebrate, they can do so on the first Wednesday of each month. Please feel free to drop me an email if there is something you would like to share.

Red Nose Day—Friday 15 March

Details will follow next week about Red Nose Day.

School Photographer

Please note Tempest Photographers will be in school on Friday 22 March to take P1 & P7 class photos.

Imaginative Play Donations

The children in P1 are looking for toy donations to use in class i.e. dinosaurs, doll-pram/buggy/highchair/cot, action figures, vehicles etc. If you have anything in good working order that you would be happy to donate, we would be most grateful. Thanking you!

Daily Absences

Please remember if your child is going to be absent from school you must contact the school office between 8.30-9.30am to report this absence.


Mrs MacDonald

Head Teacher