Additional Teachers

Thank you everyone for the very warm welcome I have received in my first couple of weeks as Headteacher in Cross Arthurlie. There are a number of new teachers in school this year. We are also in the very fortunate position of having a number of teachers who will be teaching various groups of children at different points throughout the week. Mrs Carr, Mrs Berry, Miss Kirk, Mrs Eddie and Miss Scott will be teaching a range of different subjects throughout the school extending the children’s learning either by co-operatively teaching with the class teacher or perhaps teaching in smaller groups .

Getting to Know Everyone

As I am new to the school I, unfortunately don’t know everyone yet. I have set myself the ambitious challenge of getting to know every child in the school by Christmas. So far I have tried to master the names of five of the fourteen classes and will continue to work on the others. It has been great teaching each of the classes and building up my knowledge of the skills, abilities and personalities of the children. In general I have found them to be confident and enthusiastic learners and I am looking forward to watching them progress and develop over throughout the year.


Primary 1

The children in Primary 1 have been enjoying learning in a different way this year building on their learning from nursery and developing their learning through play.


The Senior Management Team have changed remits. As Headteacher I have overall responsibility for the school however in addition I also have a particular focus on the children in P1 & 2. Mrs Duncan, as Acting PT , has responsibility for P3 & 4 and Miss Rice as Acting DHT has responsibility for P5, 6 & 7.


I have moved my office to be closer to P 1 & 2 and at the first assembly invited the children to create a new sign for my office door. There were some great entries with the winner being Emily from P5/2.


Parent Council News

The Parent Council are always keen to welcome new members. The Parent Council usually meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. The first meeting will be held in the school from 7pm on Tuesday 5th September and will be a cheese and wine event. Please come along to meet everyone and find out how you can help support your child by supporting the work of the parent council. In addition the parent council has a Facebook page for all parents at the school: Cross Arthurlie PC/ Fundraisers. This is a closed group for parents and will provide you with information on up and coming events.

The dates of the next meetings (to be held in Barrhead High School ) are : 3/10/17; 07/11/17; 28/11/7; 06/02/18; 06/03/18; 01/05/18; 05/06/18 (AGM in Cross Arthurlie)

Events this year : 24th October : Hallowe’en Disco; 25th November: Xmas Fair; 5th December : Movie night; 3rd March : Ladies Night; 1st May: Spring Fun Day; 12th June discos : 21st June: Leaver’s Dance.

Jackets & Uniform

We are keen to ensure that children are able to make the most of playtime and, given that we live in the west of Scotland, this will mean that sometimes when the children are out playing it may be raining. Could you please make sure your child has a waterproof jacket and that it has your child’s name on it. We encourage the children to be responsible for their belongings, but sometimes they can become misplaced and it is much easier to return lost property if items are clearly labeled.

The children are all looking wonderful in their school uniforms and although as I’ve been getting it is one of the things they would like to change I have pointed out that this is something parents and East Renfrewshire Council are very much in support of in their “Learning for Success” policy. Thank you for your continued support with this as it genuinely helps us build and develop a real sense of community and being part of something that matters.


Thanks to all the parents who have already completed and returned their child’s annual data checks. If you have not done so could I ask that these are completed and returned as soon as possible.


Miss Rice is once again supporting P7 children in gaining their Bikeability Level 3 awards. We are keen to continue to be health promoting and encouraging children to bring their bikes to school. Bikeability is one way of ensuring that when children are using their bikes they are doing so safely.

A new bike shelter is also gong to be fitted in the infant playground where children can safely leave their bikes.

PE and Outdoor Learning

We are looking forward to making the most of our wonderful outdoor space. In Primary 1 the children will be learning outdoors on a regular basis and will be working through a programme called “Muddy Movers” which seeks to develop their large motor skills and encourage them to work cooperatively. Could I ask if you have not already done so you drop off a pair of wellies to for your child so that they can fully participate in this activity.

Mrs Duncan is introducing a new PE programme to children in Primaries 4– 7 which will also involve the children in being outside. It is important therefore that children in the upper school also have suitable kit for PE outdoors.

PE Days

P1/1 Monday & Tuesday

P1/2 Monday & Thursday

P2/1 Monday & Friday

P2/2 Tuesday & Friday

P3/1 Thursday

P3/2 Thursday

P4/1 Tuesday & Friday

P4/2 Monday & Tuesday

P5/1 Monday & Thursday

P5/2 Monday & Wednesday

P6/1 Wednesday & Friday

P6/2 Tuesday & Wednesday

P7/1 Tuesday & Friday

P7/2 Tuesday & Friday

Holidays and In-service

  • September weekend 22nd-25th
  • In-service 13th October
  • October week 16th –20th
  • Christmas 21st Dec-3rd Jan
  • In-service 9th Feb
  • Feb holiday 12th & 13th
  • Good Friday 30th March
  • Spring holiday 2nd– 13th April
  • Bank Holiday 7th May
  • Bank Holiday 25th- 28th May
  • In-service 29th May
  • School closes for summer
  • Summer holidays start 28th June

After School Clubs



P6&7 Football


P4&5 Netball


P4&5 Dance


P6&7 Badminton


P3 Play Club

Fiona MacDonald

Head Teacher