School News – June 2017

As we reach the last few days of the school term there are a few items I would like to share with you.

End of Term Service

You are all invited to attend our end of term service which will take place on Tuesday 27th June at 10.30 am. Our P7 pupils will be taking part and we’ll be wishing them every success as they move to the high school.

Staffing Changes

Over the next session there are some significant changes happening at Cross Arthurlie. Mrs Kane, Mrs Fleming and Mrs Harold have already left us to start their respective maternity leaves. Miss Murdoch is also leaving us to become a parent. We would like to wish everyone all the best. Mrs Moncrieff, Mrs Turnbull and myself are retiring at the end of the session. I know I can speak for all three of us when I say it has been a privilege and a pleasure to work with some amazingly talented youngsters. Each year has brought new faces, new challenges, many laughs and some tears but we have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of our many, many years here.

Mrs Fiona MacDonald , the newly appointed Head Teacher, has visited the school and is looking forward to taking up her post in August. Mrs MacDonald has sent me the following paragraph as a welcome introduction to you as the parent forum:

I am delighted to have been appointed as the new head teacher in Cross Arthurlie Primary School. The school has a great reputation for being a place where children learn in a positive, caring and happy learning environment and I look forward to continuing to develop this. As a school we will be going through a number of changes next term as we adjust to new staff and new children. Although this can be a little daunting at times it is also exciting as we establish and build new ways of working together in order to ensure children are learning and developing to their full potential. I look forward to meeting you all in August and wish you a relaxing and fun-filled summer break.

Session 17/18

The new school session begins for children on Wednesday 16th August at 9am. We wish you all a very restful summer and look forward to seeing you again in August.


If you use Twitter please follow us @crossarthurlie.

Annual Reports

We hope that the summative reports you received last week offer you a helpful insight into the progress your child has made this session.

For those of you with children in Primaries 3, 5 and 7, your child’s report contains their Standardised Test score in Reading and Maths for this session.

Please remember that these scores are standardised; they are not a score out of 100. A standardised test uses the score 100 to set the standard and any score below or above 100 gives an indication of how children have performed in relation to the standardised score.

Remember also that all pupils, regardless of the groups that they work in for Reading and Maths, sit the same test so we would typically expect their attainment in these tests to reflect their groupings at school.

We need to remember that the scores generated by this process are a sample of attainment and there could be any number or reasons why any child has performed better or worse than we expected them to on the day. School staff have a great many other ways in which accurate assessment of pupil progress can be made. Please be in touch should you wish to discuss this further.

Staffing – Session 16/17

Head Teacher – Mrs Fiona MacDonald

Acting Depute Head Teacher – Miss Gillian Rice

Acting Principal Teacher – Mrs Cathy Duncan

 Current Class

Class 17/18


P1/1 Mrs Burnett


Mrs Powell



Miss Lowson



Miss Galloway



Miss Reid



Mrs McArthur



Mrs Brown and Miss Rice



Mrs MacDougall



Mrs McWilliams



Mr Roger Wotherspoon/Mrs Scott



Miss Thomson



Mrs Britton/Miss McGoran



Miss Aslam

P6/2 P7/2

Miss Hamilton