Newsletter – Easter 2021

Dear families,

It’s great to have everyone back in school and to see how well the children have settled into their new establishment.

Thank you for your continued support in making sure staff and children stay safe in school by ensuring that you adhere to guidance around 2m distancing and wearing face coverings, especially around the perimeter of the school, at pick up and drop off. Please ensure the gates at all entrances are kept as clear as possible.

Remember if your child is unwell, they should not attend school or nursery and if they have any symptoms of COVID (new continuous cough; fever or loss of taste and/or smell) you should keep them at home and arrange to have a test.

There are specific details around what to do if your child gets unwell over the holiday period and these are in a letter which accompanies this newsletter.

Our preferred form of communication at this time is by email and unfortunately the school building is only accessible to staff.

Thanks to everyone in school for being open to continuing with our planned parents’ night via telephone. All staff were very grateful for the ability to share information on children’s learning and the work we are doing to build children’s confidence in their learning, now we are back in school.

I know that nursery staff were in contact regularly with many parents during Lockdown and it’s a bit difficult as we haven’t got a system up and running yet for sharing information with nursery parents. Please be reassured that we are looking into how we can do this and as soon as we have found a possible solution we will be in touch.

We will also be spending time ensuring that children have lots of opportunities to socialise and build up their team working skills again. This may mean that we will be working outdoors or spending time playing games or talking about how we are feeling. All of these will help support children as they settle back into school life.


The Parent Council have lots of events for fundraising planned. Have a look at their Facebook page to see what they have planned. They have also established an ‘easy funding’ account. Anyone looking to support the school while buying on-line can do so via the account

Now that the nursery is finished, staff are able to use the car park which should hopefully ease congestion in the local area. Please note the car park is for staff and visitors only.

Easter Service
Unfortunately this year we can’t have our usual Easter Service. I know that the tradition of bringing in flowers, which are then distributed to local Care Homes, is wonderful and something which is a genuine blessing to those who give and receive, but unfortunately this year, like many other things it won’t be able to go ahead.

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring that the children feel part of the school by wearing school uniform. I understand that some children have grown out of specific Cross Arthurlie uniform, so please remember that as long as your child is wearing navy or grey school clothes, that is school uniform. At assembly this week I mentioned this and reminded children to avoid trainers and branded clothing and hoodies.

The only exception to this is P7. They will hopefully be receiving their ‘leavers’ hoodies soon and many of them have had a significant growth spurt over the Lockdown period. I completely understand that a P7 parent may choose to buy a black skirt or pair of trousers that children will be able to get use of when they go to High School, rather than new navy clothes, for only a few months.

Holidays and In-Service

Mrs Fiona MacDonald
Head Teacher