January 27th Newsletter

Dear families,

Thank you for working with us as we learn together during these uncertain times. We really appreciate your comments and feedback on how you are finding our new remote learning offer.  So far we have had 97 responses with 94 people saying they have used the home learning packs.

The last three questions were more open and it was lovely to read some of your very thoughtful comments thanking staff for the different ways they are teaching children remotely this time around. Some families had specific questions about individual children and one of the Senior Management Team (Mrs MacDonald, Miss Rice, Mrs Craig or Miss Galloway) will be in touch to talk about this a bit more.

One of the things a number of parents asked for was children’s work to be posted  on the Google Classroom the night before. Parents were keen to see what was happening in advance to help them plan the following day. Many classes have done this and we hope that by next week all posts will be available the night before to help families. Most posts will be available from 8pm to try and minimise confusion around which day’s work is to be done.

Unfortunately we are unable to provide more workbooks or physical reading books for children at this time, all children have access to on-line books through ‘Epic’ and should the current restrictions continue we will seek to provide more physical resources as a back-up to our on-line provision.  If you run out of jotters or other essential resources please email the school office and we’ll organise these for you.

In-service and Holidays

Friday 5th February is an in-service day and Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th are holidays. There will be no work posted on Google Classrooms on these days and there will be no provision for essential workers in school.


Thanks once again for your support in this challenging time. A minimal number of staff are physically in school. If you come to school to collect something please be aware that there is only one member of staff in the office and they may be on the phone so unable to answer the door immediately.

If you have any questions please email the school office schoolmail@crossarthurlie.e-renfrew.sch.uk  or if you need to, you can also phone between 9am and 3pm and, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @crossarthurlie.

Fiona MacDonald
