December Newsletter

December Update



Dear families,

Well Christmas is almost here and although it will be different this year, I’m sure if you’ve been around the school recently you’ll know that here at Cross Arthurlie we are looking forward to celebrating the festive season. Thank you to everyone for their support this term it has been a challenging one for many reasons but we are continuing to learn together and stay safe.

Christmas Countdown

Week 1- Winter Wanderland

The children worked hard to create our Winter Wanderland which we launched on 1st December.  Families are welcome to walk around the perimeter of the school after dusk, until 6.30pm, to view the colourful window displays created by the children.  Thank you to Miss McGhie for this idea and the support of the staff for making it happen.

Week 2- Lunch and special performances (without the singing L)

Christmas lunch is on Tuesday 8th December and, as always, will be fun day.

On Friday 11th December children may wear a Christmas jumper to school.  They will be watching a virtual pantomime in their classes called The McDougall’s Christmas Party, which was filmed at Eastwood Theatre.

Unfortunately we can’t sing in school at the moment but we have been very creative in finding other ways to celebrate. We have pulled together some of the children’s thoughts on the meaning of Christmas and this will be filmed and made into a video to share with families.  There will be a Primary 2-4 video and a Primary 5-7 video, which will be shared on the East Renfrewshire YouTube channel; the link being shared through Twitter :  @crossarthurlie

We don’t want our Primary 1 children and families to miss out so they will be performing a nativity, which will be filmed and also shared via the school Twitter account.

Week 3- Parties, crafts and service

We are still intending to have Christmas parties this year, but slightly differently to make sure we follow current guidelines. Parties will be held in classrooms, a bit like Hallowe’en, and to keep everyone safe, we would ask that your child comes to school wearing their party clothes rather than having to change.

Primary 1 & 2 : Monday 14th December

Primary 3 & 4 : Tuesday 15th December

Primary 5-7 : Wednesday 16th December

Last year the children made crafts which were sold at the fayre. We can’t have a fayre this year but each child will make a craft item which parents can buy for between £1 and £2. More details of items, prices and ways to pay will follow.

Each week we have been sharing assembly remotely, we will have our Christmas service remotely on the last day of term.


Please be mindful and considerate when parking around the school. Our neighbours have been very understanding, but unfortunately we are still receiving complaints about parent’s parking and attitudes to other road users.


Thank you for your continued support in making sure staff and children stay safe in school by ensuring that you adhere to updated guidance around 2m distancing and wearing face coverings, especially around the perimeter of the school at pick up and drop off. Please ensure the gates at both entrances as kept as clear as possible.

Remember if your child is unwell they should not attend school and if they have any symptoms of COVID (new continuous cough; fever or loss of taste and/or smell) you should keep them at home and arrange to have a test.

If a child is at home self-isolating, work will be available through their ‘Home Learning’ Google Classroom.


Our preferred form of communication at this time is by email .

All classes have updated their blogs. You’ll find out what’s been happening in your child’s class by following this link : .

Nursery Update

The inside of the nursery is almost complete and outside works are due to be completed soon. We are still hopeful for a mid-February opening date.

Unfortunately, last night the nursery was vandalised. The Police were called and investigations are on-going. This is extremely distressing for everyone, especially so close to the end of the build.

Parent Council

The new Parent Council have been busy finding creative ways to fund raise in these difficult times. Thank you to everyone who has organised events and bought raffle tickets as these funds are then passed to the school to help make things better for the children. This year, this money has ensured that the children in Cross Arthurlie have a Crackin’ Christmas.

And Finally …

We know that the impact of Covid and Christmas can be challenging for some children and their families. When in school we have a wide range of supports in place for emotional and mental well-being. If you want help or support or to talk to someone please phone the school and we’ll see how we can help. There is also support available through the East Renfrewshire Council Healthier Minds website This site has a range of very useful resources to support children and their families and will be available throughout the holiday period.


I wish you a safe and happy Christmas and wish you a great New Year.


Yours truly


Mrs Fiona MacDonald