October 2019

Maths Week

We had great fun with our learning this week celebrating Maths week. The House Captains organised an online quiz for P3-7 and class quizzes for P1& 2 giving every child in the school the chance to participate.

We also made great use of the building works for the nursery as a way of making our learning in maths meaningful. Visits from the architect and current site manager, talking about how they use maths in their day to day working lives. Having access to the plans of the nursery helped us demonstrate why accurate measurement and concepts such as ‘birds-eye’ and ‘elevated’ plans are so important. We will build on this relationship between maths and the nursery build over the course of this term.

Football Success

The boys and girls in P6 & 7 were very excited to bring home the boys St John’s cup for football. Up against stiff competition from the other schools in the area, the boys came first and with girls coming second, it was a great day.

Digital Learning

Digital Schools Award

The children have increased the number and range of ways in which they access digital technologies over the past number of years. This month we are being assessed to see if we will be accredited with a Digital Schools award. Miss Galloway and Mrs McWilliams were the staff leading this work and we are really hopeful that all their hard work pays off with the school receiving the award.

Class Blogs

The class blogs are all up and running and can be accessed via the school website:

Class Blogs

Given that staff are updating the Blogs on a regular basis, they will no longer complete individual interim reports in October. All other communications with parents will continue, including open afternoons, parents evenings and final reports in June.  As always if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s learning please contact us.

Parent Council News

The Parent Council usually meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month in Barrhead High at 7pm.

In addition the Parent Council has a Facebook page for all parents at the school: Cross Arthurlie PC/ Fundraisers. This is a closed group for parents and will provide you with information on up and coming events.

The first of the Parent Council events will be the Hallowe’en disco on Wednesday 23rd October.


VIP assembly

Every month we have an assembly where we celebrate children who are recognized as demonstrating the school values. This certificates were awarded for children who demonstrate the school value of honesty. Awards were presented to: Georgia Pearson: Connor Gallagher: Emily Turnbull: Sophie Paton: Scott Druce: Lewis: Sam McFadyen: Fin Martin: Ryan Connell: Adam Sharif: Lucie Johnston: Freya Davidson: Mylee Pollock: Jessica Ferguson: Travis Glasper: Lewis Murray: Harris McCulloch: Orla McSporran: Harry Johns: Amber Mungavin: Lyla Winning.

We also like to celebrate achievements out of school at these assemblies, which are usually the first Wednesday of each month. If you would like to let us know about a particular achievement, please drop us an email, or if you prefer, your child could bring an award/certificate into school so that we can celebrate their success out of school as well as those in school.


Mrs MacDonald

Head Teacher