September 2019

Homework Diaries P4-7

This year we are having an increased focus on children being more active and responsible. After using the diaries for the first time last year we have redesigned them to hopefully make them more child and parent friendly. Children will record what they are learning and any significant events in this diary. Please encourage your child by regularly signing their diary and talking to them about what they have been learning.

Building Works

Fleming have been appointed as the builders for the new nursery at Cross Arthurlie. We are very excited to be having this addition to the school, although we realise it will cause some changes to our usual routines while the building is taking place. The car park in particular will be very tricky and as I have already intimated, will be for staff parking only. Anyone coming to school during the school day will have to use the side gate. New signs will be installed to remind everyone of the safe route into school. I have talked to children about this particularly as it means children arriving by taxi or being picked up for doctors/ dentist appointments will have to use the designated pedestrian access.

Please do not park at the Co-op, the space is very tight and by blocking spaces regular customers cannot get access. The Co-op are huge supporters of the school and it is disappointing that a few parents are causing difficulties for Co-opstaff .

Staffing news

Mrs McWilliams had her little boy Oliver last week (a little earlier than ex-pected). Miss Lilley started with us on a temporary basis on Friday and will be teaching the children Mrs McWilliams was previously teaching.

Google Classrooms

A number of teachers have set up ‘Google Classrooms’ for their children. Children can access these through their GLOW account on the Internet. If you don’t have access to the Internet, please ask your child’s teacher or the school office as we have a number of lunchtime homework clubs which your child could perhaps access.

Parent Council news

The Parent Council are always keen to welcome new members. They had their first meeting on Tuesday and were pleased to welcome new members. The Parent Council usually meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month in Barrhead High at 7p.m.

In addition the parent council has a Facebook page for all parents at the school: Cross Arthurlie PC/ Fundraisers. This is a closed group for parents and will provide you with information on up and coming events.


Could you please make sure your child has a waterproof jacket and that it has your child’s name on it.


We will have our first House meeting next Friday. All children will be part of a house and work towards weekly house prizes and a termly treat. The Houses are Craigie(yellow) ; Shanks (red); Levern (blue) and Glennifer (green)

Standards and Quality Report and School Improvement Plan

At the recent Parent Council I discussed the improvements the school has made and the focus for future improvement. These are detailed within the School Improvement Plan 2019-2022 and the Standards and Quality Report 2018-2019 which can be found on the school website.

I have prepared a summary of the documents which I have distributed with this newsletter. If anyone would like a paper copy or further information about anything in either document please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office.

Head Lice

There have been a few reports of head lice in school. Please ensure you check your child’s head regularly and speak to your local pharmacist for advice.

VIP assembly

We also like to celebrate achievements out of school at these assemblies , which are usually the first Wednesday of each month. If you would like to let us know about a particular achievement please drop us an email, or if you prefer your child could bring an award/certificate into school so that we can celebrate their success out of school as well as those in school.

Every month we have an assembly where we celebrate children who are recognised as demonstrating the school values. This certificates were awarded for children who demonstrate the school value of fairness. Awards were presented to: Kyrin Wallace, Mia Lily Donald, Eliza Whyte, Lucy Clark, Evie Downs, Abby Shannon, jihna Khorchid, Olivia Stevenson, Zac Davidson, Orla McSporran, Naomi Blyth, Kian Dougherty, Sophie Clynes, Sam Blair, Elise Fullerton, Cara Foy, Sophie Paton, Kaci Wales, Adam Falconer, Olivia McQuade.


Mrs MacDonald

Head Teacher