March 2019

Hopefully everyone will have their appointments with their child’s teacher this Wednesday and Thursday. A few other things will be happening during this time which we hope you find helpful.

Nursery Plans

The plans for the nursery are available on the Parent Council’s notice board for everyone to view and comment upon.

Chinese Art Work

As a Confucius Hub we are learning about both the language and culture of China. This term we have been celebrating the Chinese ‘Year of the Pig’ and many of the children have been creating beautiful art work. As commerce and commercial interests are an integral part of Chinese culture, on this occasion, we will have the children’s art work on display and available to buy for a small donation.

Nurturing Approaches

One of the priorities for the Cluster Improve-ment Plan was to consider how we continue to develop nurturing approaches throughout the school. We would be really grateful if you could complete a short questionnaire about this to help us with future planning.

School Show

Thanks to everyone who responded to our requests for help with costumes for the school. We are all really excited (and a bit nervous!) about the show, which will be on Thursday 28th March at 7pm in Barrhead High.

World Book Day

We had a great time last Thursday celebrating World Book Day. The children were really excited to share their favourite books and there was a real buzz around the school. One of my favourite parts of the day was when P7 and P1 shared their stories with one another. Both children in P7 and in P1 were completely engrossed in hearing from one another.

Red Nose Day

As you know P7 have been selling red noses for Red Nose Day this Friday. Children are invited to wear something red, along with their school uniform, and their noses, on Friday for a donation to this great cause. P7 will also be holding a cake & candy on Friday. Items will be priced from 20p. All donations of cake & candy will be greatly appreciated.

Easter Service

Due to the lateness of Easter this year, the Easter Service will be after our main Spring holiday this year. It will be held on Wednesday 17th April at 9:30 am. As part of the school’s charity work, P3 & P4 will be collecting flowers for display at the Easter service, which they will then be taken to a local care home.

Parent Council

We are very grateful , as a school to the Parent Council for their on-going donations to the school from fund raising activities. The school discos and family fun night are just two recent examples of the great work carried out by families in the school who volunteer their time to raise funds and provide additional experiences for your children. The dates of the next meetings (to be held in Barrhead High School ) are : 30/04/19; 04/06/19 (AGM in Cross Arthurlie).

Celebrating our Learning

Thank you to who came along to the Open Afternoon. Once again it was great to see so many friends and family in school celebrating what the children have been learning. We really appreciate the fact that so many parents and other family members take the time in their busy lives to come and see what we have been learning.

School Disco

As you know we have a one way system for pick up and drop off at the school discos. This was introduced following safety concerns when a child managed to leave the hall without an adult as people were coming in and leaving through the same doors. While we appreciate it can take a couple of minutes longer we will always put the children’s safety first.

Chinese Hub

One of the other benefit that we get from being a Confucius Hub is that we are invited to Edinburgh Zoo. Primary 6 benefitted this time and even had the treat of seeing the panda (although it was sleeping).

Sensory Garden

Mrs Eddie and the Eco-committee have worked incredibly hard to create a new sensory garden. More details to follow!

ASSEMBLY : VIP assembly, Kindness

This month’s VIP assembly was a little quiet as P5 were away to Belmont. They had an amazing time and both children and staff came back tired but happy.

There were also a number of children absent due to illness. They will receive their awards at a later date.

The award this month was for kindness and the following children achieved an award : Travis Glasper, Brayden Miller, Cara Foy, Abby Shannon, Poppy Aird, Fin Martin, Billy Gray, Brooke Pearson, Kyle Bone, Taliah Horsley, Ava McCullock, Ruby Maclaren, lee Gilmour, Sara Todd, David Jackson, Hannah More, Orla McSporran, Iona Thomason, Kiera MacPherson.

We also celebrated successes in the following: for reading, Harvey Grant, Abbie McMillan, Jack Adams and Ellie Clarkson; dancing, Linda Currie & Abi Hamilton; Brownie award, Alisha Ramsay and Cheerleading, Ruby and Lily Maclaren.


Mrs MacDonald

Head Teacher