February 2019

As you will be aware one of our P6 children, Mirin, very sadly passed away in January. We held a short assembly last Thursday to celebrate her life. As well as thoughts from myself and Rev. Gordon, Miss Rice and I shared some thoughts and poems written by children. We know that supporting the children through this period of grief and loss will be on-going and have added some information for parents and children on the school website. We also have paper copies of the support leaflet available from the school office. If you would like to discuss any concerns you have around this please feel free to contact the school office.

The pupil council are chatting to the children about the possibility of planting crocuses on the hill at the back of the school in memory of Mirin and will keep everyone informed about this.

New Nursery Class

Plans for the new nursery class were shared with the Parent Council on Tuesday night. These are now available to view on the Parent Council notice board in school.

School Improvement Plan

Staff are continuing to work on developing literacy and numeracy as part of the School Improvement Plan. We have bought in a number of new resources and replaced some others.

Unfortunately we had to use £2000 of the school budget to replace missing reading books in the infant department.

Road Safety

As you know at Cross Arthurlie we have a number of children who walk or cycle to school. If you choose to drive instead please remember causing congestion or obstruction near schools is selfish and dangerous. Parking is restricted in the following:

School keep clear and zig zag lines

Double yellow lines

Single yellow lines

Parking on a pavement or verge

 Double parking and dropped footways

 School bus bays

 Pedestrian crossings

Parking in disabled bays unless you’re a blue badge carrier

‘Cinderella and Rockerfella’

The auditions have taken place and rehearsals are underway for the school show. There will be one performance on Thursday 28th March at 7pm in Barrhead High School. We will shortly be looking for help with costumes. If anyone is able to volunteer to help with this, the school office would love to hear from you .

Parent Council

At the last Parent Council meeting I was able to share the drawings for the new nursery class planned to open in August 2020. These plans are now available to view on the Parent Council notice board. If you have any comments about the plans please leave your comments with the school office who will pass them on to the Parent Council

The dates of the next meetings (to be held in Barrhead High School ) are : 05/03/19; 30/04/19; 04/0/619 (AGM in Cross Arthurlie)

Celebrating Our Learning

Our second Open Afternoon is on Tuesday 26th February. This is a great opportunity for the children to share everything that they have been learning with their families, please come along and see what your child has been learning.

Also don’t forget to return the slip for Parents’ Evening which was issued this week.

Lots of children celebrated the life and works of Robert Burns and his impact upon Scottish culture during January. We were very grateful to the families who came along to the class assemblies of P7/1 on the Holocaust and P4/2 on the Rainforest. It’s really great to see how these important issues are well understood by our children in order that they build a better future .

Chinese New Year

As a Confucius Hub we have once again been celebrating Chinese New Year . Each class has also been working on some Chinese art work which you will be available to view and buy during Parents’ Night. We are also, once again, able to run our very popular Chinese Family Cookery Club. All of these activities are possible due to the additional funding we receive from CISS (Confucius Institute in Scotland).


We had our VIP Assembly on Wednesday this week. It was great to celebrate the children who were recognized as demonstrating the school value of ‘respect’.

Well done to the following children:

Eliza Whyte, May Crangle, Ellie Clarkson, Laurel Maclaren, Ruby Noble, Beth Conroy, Molly Docherty, Emme Johnston, Robyn Shirlaw, David Brook, Erin Brogan, Dominique McEwan, Lauren Jamieson, Josh McFarlane, Bruce Hannah, Chloe Forbes, Kelly Rocks, Jessica Ferguson, Aeryn Thomson & Abbie Noble.

During our VIP Assembly we also celebrate children who have achievements out of school and in their community. This month we celebrated the following children : Aimee Williamson for dancing : Dylan Quinn and Lewis Murray for football : Under 13s and Under 11s boys and girls football.

If you child has anything they would like to share or an achievement to celebrate, they can do so on the first Wednesday of each month. Please feel free to drop me an email if there is something you would like to share.

Red Nose Day—Friday 15 March

Details will follow next week about Red Nose Day.

School Photographer

Please note Tempest Photographers will be in school on Friday 22 March to take P1 & P7 class photos.

Imaginative Play Donations

The children in P1 are looking for toy donations to use in class i.e. dinosaurs, doll-pram/buggy/highchair/cot, action figures, vehicles etc. If you have anything in good working order that you would be happy to donate, we would be most grateful. Thanking you!

Daily Absences

Please remember if your child is going to be absent from school you must contact the school office between 8.30-9.30am to report this absence.


Mrs MacDonald

Head Teacher