Maths Week 10th—16th

Throughout Scotland schools and businesses will be celebrating Maths Week next week. Last year we celebrated by taking our maths outdoors and this year we are looking to help children have a “I can do it” approach to maths. Each day Mrs Duncan has organised for every class to complete a daily maths puzzle which will help children to try different methods of getting their answers.

The House Captains, with the help of Miss Rice, will organise a House Maths Quiz and Primary 7 will participate in a range of different puzzles. I can’t wait to see all the creative and fun ways the children find to use maths. Regular updates on the week will be available through the school Twitter account.

School Improvement Plan and Standards and Quality Report

As part of our duties to ensure that we continue to support children and improve the school we think about our strengths and areas we need to improve every year. The Standards and Quality Report lets you know what has happened over the year and identifies the areas we still need to work on. The School Improvement Plan sets out how we will address the needs that have been identified over the course of the year. Full details of these are available on the school website with a summary version being given to all parents.

Homework Diaries

New diaries have been issued to children in Primaries 4-7 where they will not only record their homework but also their learning and with the support of the teacher plan their next steps. We hope that children will begin to take more personal responsibility for their learning and have an increased sense of achievement by doing so.


Unfortunately a number of parents are continuing to park in a way which is putting children at risk. It is ILLEGAL to park in the school bus bay. A number of parents have raised their concerns with me and the police have been informed.

Parent Council news

The Parent Council usually meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. The first meeting was on Tuesday 4th September and as well as sharing reports I gave an update on the school budget. It was also great to hear of all the events which the fundraising committee are hoping to run this year. As a school we really appreciate the Parent Council and all the work they do on behalf of the school.

The dates of the next meetings (to be held in Barrhead High School ) are : 02/10/18; 06/11/18; 27/11/18; 05/02/19; 05/03/19; 30/04/19; 04/06/19 (AGM in Cross Arthurlie)

Jackets & Uniform

Can I please ask once again that you put your child’s name on items they bring to school. Unfortunately children do leave items in the playground or put their things on the wrong peg. If you show your child where they will find their name it also helps as then they can take responsibility for finding their things.

After School Clubs

Mrs Duncan and Mrs Campbell are currently working on the after school clubs which will run this year. Please don’t worry if your child doesn’t get their first choice the first time around we work very hard to ensure that all children can access something that they like in the course of the year.

Miss Gibson had a wonderful first lunchtime choir club this week, really looking forward to hearing what this year’s choir sound like… they have a lot to live up to after last year.

Bikes and Scooters

It is great to see so many children coming to school by bike or on their scooters. Please remember to be aware of children if you are bringing your child to school by car and remember everyone on a bike or scooter should be wearing a helmet. Some Primary 7 pupils are embarking on Bikeability Level 3 training. They are really excited to be developing their skills at an advanced level.



We had our first VIP assembly on Wednesday this week It was great to celebrate the children who were recogniSed as demonstrating the school value of “fairness” .

Well done to the following children:

Harris McCulloch, Emaline Boyd, Isla Nisbet, Darcey Lucas, Grace MacDonald, Hollie Clarkson, Anna Lagan, Grace Todd, Alastair McKel-vie, Daisy Aird, Kayla Condron, Kaidence Wright, Zoe Semple, Holly Rankin, Bruce Hannah, Kaiden Hors-ley, Amie Williamson, Anna Dove, Lauren Jamieson, Taliah Horsley and Kaiden Wales.

During our VIP assembly we also celebrate children who have achievements out of school and Zara McAdam was awarded a certificate for art. Isla Carruth was also presented with a ‘Mollie’s Dolly’ from the charity Children’s Heart Federation as a thank you for designing a poster for their charity. If your child has anything they’d like to share or achievement to celebrate they can do so on the first Wednesday of the month. Please feel free to drop me an email if there’s something you’d like to share too… it’s great to see the look of surprise on their faces.

Mrs Fiona MacDonald

Head Teacher