Visitor from (and to) China

Last Friday we were privileged to welcome a delegation of Chinese Head Teachers and Government Officials to Cross Arthurlie. They spent the morning in the school talking with Mrs MacDonald and touring the school, visiting many classes. They were very impressed with equipment available in the school, the welcoming staff and the very polite children who were all very interested in their learning.

We are also very excited to hear that Miss Rice will be visiting China, representing Cross Arthurlie and finding out about schools and culture there. We can’t wait to see her photographs!

Fruity Friday

As part of our commitment to being a Health Promoting School the Pupil Council have decided to introduce ‘Fruity Friday’. Children who only bring or buy healthy snacks such as fruit and vegetables will get a point on a Friday and the class with the highest percentage of children bringing only a healthy snack will get an extra playtime at the end of the month.


The introduction of GDPR has meant a few changes for us as we wait for consent for photographs to be used ensuring that we are complying with your wishes as parents with regard to sharing information. We are aware that this has meant some class blogs have been delayed.

As we can no longer give out information to children about clubs in the community we have introduced a ‘Community’ wall near to the school office with leaflets and information about various different organisations in the area, please feel free to help yourself to any information there.

All About the Books!

At assembly on Wednesday I explained to the children that we are having difficulties with children taking books home and forgetting to return them. We are therefore having a BOOK AMNESTY ! If you have any school books at home could I ask that you return them (no questions … no fines… no rows… just a thank you in return !)

Dogs in the Playground

Could I please remind everyone that dogs are not permitted in the school grounds.

Parent Council News

The Parent Council usually meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. The latest meeting was on Tuesday 2nd October and in addition to school budgets and fundraising we were joined by one of the local Cllr Danny Devlin to discuss parking issues around the school.

The dates of the next meetings (to be held in Barrhead High School ) are : 06/11/18; 27/11/18; 05/02/19; 05/03/19; 30/04/19; 04/06/19 (AGM in Cross Arthurlie)

Parent Council Events

The next event planned by the Parent Council is the Hallowe’en Disco, Tuesday 23rd October.

Supporting Learning Outdoors

As you know we are really keen to encourage children to learn outdoors as well as indoors. We are looking to see if anyone, especially if you have recently had building work done, would have any off cuts of large planks of decking or guttering. The P1 & P2 children love working together to build and balance using these.

The Parent Council have said they would willingly buy some new waterproof clothing for the children to use but had wondered if anyone had some waterproofs (or wellies) that folks were no longer using that they would be willing to donate to the school.

The school garden is taking shape once again thanks to Mrs Eddie and the Eco-Committee, if you were able to help in any way with this please contact the school office and Mrs Eddie will be in touch.

Open Afternoon

The first Open Afternoon of this session will be this Thursday 11th October. This is always a great opportunity for you to visit your child’s class and find out about what they have been learning since August.


We had our first VIP assembly on Wednesday this week It was great to celebrate the children who were recognized as demonstrating the school value of “loyalty” .

Well done to the following children:

Grace Falconer, Lucy Clark, Max Morrison, Holly Simpson, Amirah Gad El Karim, Tara Hoppe, Zac Davidson, Freya Wilson, Evie McFarlane, Kaci Wales, Mylee Pol-lock, Chloe Forbes, Robbie Wallace, Jack Laing, Paul McEwan, Olivia McQuade, Kaiden Horsley, Alex Grassie, Katie Mackle.

During our VIP assembly we also celebrate children who have achievements out of school and in their community. This month we celebrated Blair Auchincloss who participates in BB, swimming and rugby; Anna Dove who has a new

role in Brownies and Emily Conaghan who got her Grade 1 in piano. If your child has anything they’d like to share or achievement to celebrate they can do so on the first Wednesday of the month. Please feel free to drop me an email if there’s something you’d like to share too… it’s great to see the look of surprise on their faces.

Bikes and Scooters

It is great to see so many children coming to school by bike or on their scooters. Please remember to be aware of children if you are bringing your child to school by car and remember everyone on a bike or scooter should be wearing a helmet.


Recently children in P6 & P7 took part in a Cycling & Running Duathlon. Four children from each house will compete against each other to see who the overall champions are.


Mrs Fiona MacDonald

Head Teacher