
Thanks to everyone for your support during the recent spell of severe weather. We tried to ensure that everyone was kept up to date with information about whether the school was closed or not via text alerts, Twitter and on the Parent Council Facebook page. Hopefully everyone received a text from the school, but if not it could be that you have changed your phone and not got around to letting us know. If you could do so as soon as possible we would really appreciate it.

As you will see I have decided to send a paper copy, one per family, of the newsletter in addition to the email. I became aware that some people were missing out on information so hopefully this way everyone will receive a copy.

Open Afternoon and Homework

Thanks to everyone who came along to our Open Afternoon. I know from your comments that you really enjoy seeing the children in their classes and finding out about what they have been learning.

This time I also asked for parents views on homework and what any changes that we should make to homework in Cross Arthurlie. We received some great ideas of ways in which we should change some things and met last week, as a staff to discuss the findings. It was interesting that there was a bit of a difference between the comments from P1 & 2 and the rest of the school but one thing which was agreed upon was for homework to be perhaps issued weekly to allow for clubs etc. to be accommodated. We will also consult with children on their views on homework and will pull together the comments to support us in developing a new homework system.

Lord Provost’s Debate

Primary 7/2 even took their thoughts on homework to the Lord Provost, as they debated the issue of homework in the Council Chamber.

World Book Day

Although we missed the official World Book Day due to snow it was great that it was able to go ahead last Tuesday … this time despite the snow! The children loved hearing stories being read by different teachers and there was a lovely happy atmosphere in the school that day. Many children, and staff had chosen to dress up in their favourite characters and looked great.

Primary 5 Residential

P5 had a great visit to Belmont Outdoor Centre last week. They were enthusiastic about trying new challenges and enjoyed their time making the most of the great outdoors.

Parent Council

The Parent Council support the school with fundraising and as a mechanism for gathering parent views on matters which affect the school. We are really fortunate to benefit from the funds raised by the Parent Council and will be using some of the money raised recently to subsidize the cost of up and coming school trips. We are looking to have a flat fee of £3.00 per class trip in the first instance and see how this unfolds.

Dates of next meetings: May 1st (Barrhead High) and June 5th AGM at Cross Arthurlie

Events coming up: 19th May: Spring Fun Day; 12th June discos : 21st June: Leaver’s Dance

Primary 4 Read Shakespeare

Read me and set me free!’ Pri-mary 4 have been given a ‘Wild Book’ for @Shakespeare-Week. They will read the book in class before setting it free in Barrhead for the next lucky person to find. Watch this space tomorrow for a clue on where to find it…

Sport Relief 2018

P7 invite family and friends to join them in their Sponsored Mile Run at Cowan Park for Sport Relief on 23rd March 2018. Sponsor forms are out now!

Parents’ Nights

You will receive information about appointments for next weeks Parents’ Nights. We look forward to seeing you then

Easter Service

Our Easter Service will be Thursday 29th March at 9:30, everyone is very welcome to attend this celebration. As is the usual tradition, if you’d like to donate some flowers to the school, for distribution around the local care homes, please send them to school on that day.

Primary 5 Charity

Primary 5 raised £ 261 by holding a crazy hair day on Friday 23rd February for the Royal Hospital for Children.

VIP Assembly

We had our monthly VIP assembly last Wednesday celebrating the school value of responsibility. The fol-lowing children were awarded VIP certifi-ates : Sophie Munro, Zack Kenny, Aimee Williamson, Isla Thomson, Anna Dove, Brooke Pearson, Ellis Townsend, Abby Reid, Millie Downs, Abby Drummond, Adam Brownlie, Blair Dobbins, Beth lemke, Fraser Leaf, Zoe Sem-ple, Adam Wilson.

We also celebrated a range of achievements out of school:

Dancing: Lacie Mia Cur-rie; Football: Dylan Quinn and Kamiran Othman


Mrs MacDonald

Head Teacher