Always Celebrating Learning

The last month has been very busy as children and staff get to know one another better and enjoy learning together. We had great fun joining schools across Scotland for Maths Week. All classes made links between maths and the world of work as well as developing maths in different ways, both indoors and out. The children know that maths is one of my favourite subjects and I took this opportunity to teach maths in a range of classes throughout the school.

Four children also represented the school at Strathclyde University introducing a conference in Mandarin.  They were outstanding and we received very positive feedback from delegates at the conference. The following day we were visited by two Headteachers from China. They spent the morning in classes and observed the children learning. Their most memorable comment was that they noticed the children and staff were very happy in school.

September also gave us the opportunity to share our learning with yourselves during the Open Afternoon. I was both amazed and thrilled at the level of commitment shown by yourselves as parents and carers supporting your children in their learning. The children are very fortunate to have such committed and supportive families and friends around them.

The children of Primary 4 organized our first charity event with “Jeans for Genes Day”. In addition to presenting at assembly they also organised a fundraising event in their class. Well Done P4 !

Some Challenges

Unfortunately we have also been facing some challenges this term, particularly in regard to parking. Some adults collecting and dropping children off are being selfish, parking on zig-zag lines, idling their cars and parking on the pavements. This selfish behaviour is putting children’s lives at risk. The Parent Council have contacted the police who will be in the vicinity and will take appropriate action on anyone who is behaving unlawfully.

Outdoor Classroom Day

Next Thursday, 12th October is Outdoor Classroom Day. We are looking forward to taking our learning outdoors. Please make sure that your child has suitable outdoor clothing to be able to fully participate in this exciting day.

Children taking on additional responsibilities

We have a number of ways in which children throughout the school are able to take on additional responsibilities. In addition to the House Captains and Sports Committee there are also Eco Committee, JRSOs and Rights Respecting Schools committees. We have also held two House Competitions, one for maths and one for general knowledge. These are always exciting ways for children in different classes to represent their class and ensure that as many children as possible are given such opportunities.

New Sports Kit and Outdoor Learning Resources

The Parent Council have very kindly donated money , and gained sponsorship for new sports kits for a range of different sports.

They were shown to the children during a special assembly and the children can’t wait to make good use of this new kit. Samples of the sports kits are on display in the front entrance of the school.

We have received additional funding from East Renfrewshire Council recently to support us as we introduce new aspects of learning in Primary 1, particularly using the outdoors for learning. This new equipment will be stored outside in the main with children being able to make use of this equipment.


We are keen to ensure you get information from school in a way that suits you best. We currently use the school website, class blogs, Twitter, newsletters, text alerts, letters in schoolbags and homework as a range of way to communicate. If you are finding that you’re not receiving information please let us know and we’ll discuss ways of ensuring that everyone is as informed as possible about what’s happening in the life of the school.

Parents’ Night slips have been distributed to children.  Please make sure you return these as soon as possible to all times for appointments to be allocated.

Parent Council

The Parent Council are always keen to welcome new members. The Parent Council meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. Please come along to meet everyone and find out how you can help support your child by supporting the work of the Parent Council. In addition the parent council has a Facebook page for all parents at the school: Cross Arthurlie PC/ Fundraisers. This is a closed group for parents and will provide you with information on up and coming events.

The dates of the next meetings (to be held in Barrhead High School ) are : 07/11/17; 28/11/7; 06/02/18; 06/03/18; 01/05/18; 05/06/18 (AGM in Cross Ar-thurlie)

Events this year : 24th October : Hallowe’en Disco; 25th November: Xmas Fair; 5th December : Movie night; 3rd March : Ladies Night; 1st May: Spring Fun Day; 12th June discos : 21st June: Leaver’s Dance

Holidays and In-service

 In-service 13th October

 October week 16th –20th

 Christmas 21st Dec-3rd January

 In-service 9th February

 Mid-term holiday 12th & 13th February

 Good Friday 30th March

 Spring holiday 2nd– 13th April

 Bank Holiday – 7th May

 Bank Holiday 25th- 28th May

 In-service 29th May

 School closes for summer

 Summer holidays start 28th June


Fiona MacDonald

Head Teacher