School News – April 2017

I trust you all enjoyed a restful Spring Break. The Summer Term is now underway and there’s lots happening in school over these coming weeks. I trust that this update will be a helpful one.

Sports Day

We are making plans to hold our annual Sports Day on Tuesday 9th May in the field at the rear of the school. As always, this event is subject to good weather and, if in the days prior to Sports Day, the weather is inclement there is every chance that we’ll have to postpone due to the muddy nature of the underfoot conditions. We’ll contact you all at the earliest opportunity if this is the case. The plan for the day is as follows:

9.00am to 10.30am – P1 to P3 Sports

11.00am to 12.30pm – Whole School House Events

1.30pm – 3.00pm – P4 to P7 Sports.

As always, we’d be very appreciative of any parents and carers who would be interested in helping us to run the different events. If you are free for any part of the day, and would like to help, please be in touch. We look forward to seeing you all on the 9th (weather permitting).

Holiday Dates

Next week is a short school week with the school being closed on Monday 1st May due to the bank holiday and Thursday 4th May for the Local Elections. Please remember that at the end of this month there is a further Bank Holiday Weekend, with school closing on Friday 26th May and reopening on Wednesday 31st May.

General Election

As the school is a designated Polling Station we are assuming that the school will be closed on Thursday 8th June. More details regarding this decision will be sent to you nearer the time.

Red Nose Day

Our thanks go to P2 and everyone who supported this school event. We managed to raise £628.43. Well done everyone.

School Fun Day/Dress as you Please Day

The Parent Council Fun Day is being held on Saturday 20th May. More information will be sent out to families in the coming weeks. The school will have a dress as you please day on Friday 19th May.

School Improvement Planning

At this time of year we look to draft a first copy of the School Improvement Plan for Session 2017/18. Later on this week all families will receive a school questionnaire which we ask you to fill in and send back to school so that your views can be taken into account when this planning takes place. There is an attached letter explaining more about this process.

We’d very much welcome your views and will continue to consult with pupils across the school in the coming months.