School News – November 2016

Now that we are well into the month of November and with Christmas fast approaching I hope this newsletter will give you some important information about the arrangements for the festive period. We’ll give you further details closer to the time and look forward to seeing you all over the festive period.

P7 Residential

On Friday 11th November our P7 pupils returned from a successful visit to Lockerbie Manor Outdoor Centre. They returned home covered in mud and thoroughly tired! Thanks to the various members of staff who helped with the visit. My thanks also go to the pupils, who, I have been told, participated in all of the activities with enthusiasm and represented the school well at all times.  The website and Twitter feed will give you some idea of the various activities the pupils and staff participated in.

Parent Pay

This new system is now up and running in the school and I hope that parents/carers are finding this beneficial when it comes to paying for trips etc. Any questions regarding this please do not hesitate in contacting the school office.


The last date for orders is 22nd November.

School Calendar

Traditionally pupils produce a school calendar for the coming year. Orders are still being taken for our 2017 calendar- £4.00 each. Last orders will be on 30th November 2016.

Parent Council

The annual Christmas Fair is on Saturday 26th November and our Movie Night is on Tuesday 6th December. We’ll let you know more specific arrangements for these events closer to the time. The next meeting of the Parent Council will be on Tuesday 29th November at 7pm in Barrhead High School. Please feel free to come along and support the Parent Council.

Christmas Dates

We have reached a very busy time of year and I hope that the list of dates below will help you make all of the arrangements you need to make. The following events are being held here in the school:

Christmas Carol Concert  – 7pm Wednesday 14th December

Christmas Carol Concert  – 7pm Thursday 15th  December

Infant Nativity  –    11am Friday 16th  December

Christmas Service   – 10.30am Wednesday 21st  December

Our Christmas concert this year will follow a similar format to last year. All pupils from P3 to P7 will participate, as they have always done, and some of our P7 pupils will help with hosting the event. We hope you’ll enjoy the concert. The theme this year is “Music Through the Decades”.

Early Closure

Please note that we have an early closure on Wednesday 21st December with a 2.30pm stop instead of our normal time. School buses will also arrive at that time to transport all bus children.

Christmas Parties

Dates for the Christmas Parties are as follows:

P1, 2 & 3 – 1.20pm – 3pm  Tuesday 20th December

P4 & P5 – 1.20pm – 3pm Monday 19th December

P6 & P7 – 1.20pm – 3pm Friday 16th December

Children who do not go home to change at lunchtime may bring a change of clothes for their party on the appropriate day.