School News – August 16

Welcome back to school after, what I hope has been, a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. A particularly warm welcome to all those families who are new to the school; I trust that you will feel at home quickly. Please let us know if there are any questions or concerns that we can help you with.

Data Check and Communication with Parents/Carers

You should all have received an annual data check this week. This document lists all of the contract details we have for your child/children and it’s very important that it’s updated, should it need to be. These details go onto the school’s electronic systems and will be used should we need to contact you for any reason. Could I also ask that you ensure that you list an email address, should you have one. Our plan is to stop sending home paper copies of school newsletters and, instead, email you a link to the school website when it has been updated with school news. We may also communicate other items of school news via email and our hope is that this method of communication will be easier and more convenient for all of you. If you would rather receive paper copies of school correspondence please let the school office know.

Twitter Feed  

And on the theme of school communication, please follow our school Twitter feed @crossarthurlie.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not allowed to be used during the school day. Any child who requires a mobile phone beyond the school day will be required to hand it in to the school office before 9am and collect it at 3pm. Messages to pupils during the school day must always go through the school office.

Attendance and Absence

As you are aware we follow government regulations on school attendance and absence. I would like to remind all parents that family holidays taken during term time are categorised as unauthorised absences and only in exceptional circumstances will schools authorise a family holiday in term time. Parents are asked to send their child to school on a daily basis unless there is ill health or unforeseen circumstances. Please remember to contact the school office before 9am if your child is unable to attend school. Thank you for your co-operation with attendance procedures.

Snack and Illnesses

We are eager to encourage all children to bring a healthy snack to school. Please note that we ask children not to bring anything with nuts as we have a number of children in the school with a nut allergy. Your co-operation and assistance with this request in the past has been excellent and is much appreciated by the school and also by the families of children with this issue.

It is also very important, in the interest of the safety of all staff and visitors, that you report any infectious illness your child has to the school. We will ensure that we put up notices informing all visitors that any illness may be in circulation in the school. Again, your cooperation in this matter is appreciated.