First Catch your Haggis!

Primary 4 have enjoyed learning and performing a Scottish poem called ‘First Catch your Haggis’ at our Burn’s Day celebration. We also had fun learning more about Scottish dialect. Oor Wullie was a great help when learning some new words!

“We enjoyed saying our poem to all the grandparents.” Connor

“We all had different parts to say in the poem. My line was all about catching the missing haggis!” Theo

“We were learning about different Scottish words with the help of Oor Wullie. My favourite word was oxters!” Molly

“I was on my quad bike and I got BOGGIN!” Liam

“My dog is sometimes crabbit and barks a lot!” Hollie

“Miss McCaskie said we were all very braw at our Scottish poem.” Primary 4

In ICT, we’ve been improving our touch typing skills using BBC Dance Mat Typing.

We have also been rehearsing for our class assembly which is next week. It is all about internet safety. We would love for you to come along on Friday 2nd February at 1.45pm.

Art and Science

Primary 4 have been learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

“Charles Rennie Mackintosh was an artist from Glasgow. He was famous for his paintings, stained glass windows and furniture.” Eve and Scott

“We were drawing Mackintosh roses. We also added vertical and horizontal lines to our work.” Molly and Jacob

“He was asked to design a new building for Glasgow School of Art.” Ailsa

Here are are some photos of our fun skeleton activity.

Happy New Year!

Our first full week of school in 2018 has been a success!

We have been learning about gymnastics in P.E.

“We have learned different gymnastic shapes. My favourite shape was the bridge.” Rosie S

“The other shapes we learned were the Y, T, straight and star shape as well as the pike and straddle.”  Ailsa, Lucas, Molly and Connor.

“I really enjoyed making a short routine with our shapes. We worked in groups on the soft gymnastic mats.” Emily

“I would like to learn how to do a backwards roll next.” Harry








In Science and Health and Wellbeing, we have been looking at the human body and how to keep it healthy. We were discussing the skeleton and The Eatwell Guide.


“We were learning about all the different bones in the skeleton. We labelled our skeleton worksheet to help us remember.” Theo


“I liked creating a healthy meal using The Eatwell Guide. I picked carrots, mince and potatoes.” Karine

We were very lucky to have some X-ray photos to explore in class.