Friday 31st May 2024

This week in P6B we have been learning about…


On Thursday we learned a new mental maths technique.  For example, 20-9. You could add 1 then answer 20-10.  Next add on 1. We have also been revising concepts we have learned in P6.


Today in writing we started exploring poetry.  We created a personal poem about ourselves. We learned about different features of poems, including the fact that all poems don’t have to rhyme.


We completed another lesson using Scratch.  We created an outer space animation and had to make the rock move in different directions.


We learned about gender stereotypes during health and wellbeing.  We explored fairness then shared our knowledge by creating a poster. In P.E. We continued our gymnastic lessons and focused on combining movement and balances.


We practiced our team work and cooperation skills during a warm-up.  We played man hunt together then explored the woodland in smaller groups.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

P6B and Miss McNeil

Friday 10th May 2024

It has been a very busy couple of weeks for P6! We delayed last week’s post until we had some photos from the colour run to share.

Colour Run

Everyone enjoyed participating in the Colour Run and fundraising for the school. We were extra tired as we ran the route twice and helped guide our P1 buddies around the course.

Solo Talks

We have been working hard to prepare our solo talks on a topic we are passionate about. It has been amazing to see such strong presentation skills on display but also the range of topics and passions within the class.

Wild Challenge

Our Woodland project for this term is to work towards completing the RSPB Wild Challenge. This week we surveyed the Woodland area and chose the challenges we would like to complete. Most of the class made a start and made a snail hotel.