Friday 19th January 2024

This week in P6b we have been learning about…


Miss Nesbitt continued teaching Spanish this week. We revised the vocabulary for pets that we used in P5 then used this to create full sentences and have conversations.

This week’s writing lesson focused on exploring Scots language.  Mr Wilson introduced the class to a famous Scottish character, Oor Wullie. We used the text ‘Oor Wullie’ and a poem to create Scottish dictionaries then created our own comic strips!

Health and Wellbeing

This week in PE we have been working on our dance skills. We have been learning different Scottish Country dances. This week we learned the Gay Gordon’s and Strip the Willow. Miss McNeil was very impressed by how quickly everyone picked it up.


Other Curricular Areas

This week our committee members met up and continued working on their action plans.  Some of our reps also presented updates at todays assembly.

Today we enjoyed our house spirit afternoon. Have a look at Twitter for some photos from this afternoon.

This week we started planning our IDL topic with Miss Nesbitt and our new RME topic about important milestones with Mr Wilson. We also started our fundraising project. Next week’s homework task will provide more information about our project.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From Miss McNeil and P6b