Friday 26th January 2024

This week in P6b we have been learning about…



Some of the learners wanted to share what they have been learning about in maths this week and created mini lessons to share their knowledge.  They showed creativity and worked cooperatively with each other.


This week in literacy the learners continued working on Scots language. They converted their comic strips into imaginative stories. They also continued learning about apostrophes in grammar. Everyone enjoyed writing on the tables!


IDL – Bodyworks

This week the learners started their first bodywork’s lessons with Miss Nesbitt. They started by learning about the digestive system. Everyone is really excited to learn more about it on next week’s trip to the Science Centre.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!


From p6b and Miss McNeil

Friday 19th January 2024

This week in P6b we have been learning about…


Miss Nesbitt continued teaching Spanish this week. We revised the vocabulary for pets that we used in P5 then used this to create full sentences and have conversations.

This week’s writing lesson focused on exploring Scots language.  Mr Wilson introduced the class to a famous Scottish character, Oor Wullie. We used the text ‘Oor Wullie’ and a poem to create Scottish dictionaries then created our own comic strips!

Health and Wellbeing

This week in PE we have been working on our dance skills. We have been learning different Scottish Country dances. This week we learned the Gay Gordon’s and Strip the Willow. Miss McNeil was very impressed by how quickly everyone picked it up.


Other Curricular Areas

This week our committee members met up and continued working on their action plans.  Some of our reps also presented updates at todays assembly.

Today we enjoyed our house spirit afternoon. Have a look at Twitter for some photos from this afternoon.

This week we started planning our IDL topic with Miss Nesbitt and our new RME topic about important milestones with Mr Wilson. We also started our fundraising project. Next week’s homework task will provide more information about our project.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 12th January 2024

This week in P6b we have been learning…

Literacy and English

  • In the avengers we continued our book there’s nothing wrong about a boy whose mum is sick so he gets anxiety even when his mum gets better. In the lion king read our book Project bright sparks with Miss Nesbitt in the artpod. Project bright sparks is about a man who is very rich and he scammed people so he went to jail but escaped. Then there was a teacher at a school call Mr Spark and he was favouriting his daughter. But these two kids get suspicious and find out he is working for the rich man who escaped jail.
  • On Thursday with Mrs Nasar we did grammar. In grammar we learnt about apostrophes. We created a piece of art with ten flaps that had different types of contractions on them.
  • We did apostrophes in grammar and learnt that it is used to combine a word like should not become shouldn’t .
  • With Miss Nesbitt we learned Spanish. We learned how to pronounce different family members !
  • At spelling we have been learning about the spelling rule EL.
  • For reading we answered questions like what do the characters look like and what happens at the beginning of the book.


Numeracy and Maths

  • In the orangutans we were learning 3 different triangles, scalene, isosceles and the equilateral.
  • For maths we did 2D shapes with Miss Nesbitt and we learnt about different triangles.
  • We were doing 2D shapes and learning about lots of triangles and the proper names for them.
  • In maths me and my maths group have been learning about 3d shapes and their edges,corners,faces ect. It have been really fun learning about them!
  • we learnt the mathematical names of the three types of triangles. They were called scalene, isosceles and equilateral. We also learned a few differences between them, before I thought the scalene and isosceles were the same but then we were taught that one of them has no equal sides, and one has two equal sides.



  • In PE we did fitness stations like wall sits and push ups.
  • On Tuesday for P.E we did fitness and there was 8 different stations to do such as push ups, sit up, mountain climbers and burpees.
  • In P.E we did fitness. We had eight stations to do, some include mountain climbers, burpees, push-ups, relay races, sit-ups and wall squats.
  • On Monday we did P.E and we started of with some games then we went round and did little fitness groups where there was one area for wall sits and hula hoops and more.


Other News

  • We got club letters on Tuesday and some of them were dance with Miss Lamb and netball with Miss Orr.
  • In March we have a show and we are auditioning soon for it.
  • On Tuesday we made New Years resolution art.
  • On Thursday with Mr Wilson we were using the Knex to make a car, a bridge or a house they all had to have a moving contraption.
  • We did a welcome lesson for Miss Nesbitt and we played a quiz and guess what was true out of the three statements then we made a jigsaw piece about ourselves.
  • We did a practise K’nex challenge with Mr Wilson.


We had a great first week of 2024! We hope you have a lovely weekend.

P6b and Miss McNeil