Friday 15th December 2023

This week in P6B we have been learning about…


  • In maths, we practiced exchanging and carrying.
  • In maths, we focused on decimal fractions with division.



  • We got new group reading books. My book is called Project Bright Spark.
  • We did a piece of writing on how to steal Christmas and we wrote instructions. We had to include four sections: an introduction, things you will need, numbered list and a conclusion.
  • On Wednesday, we did handwriting and it was about Harry Potter.



  • On Friday we had PE. We focused on football and we played the numbers game.
  • On Thursday, we learned about our rights and what happens when they aren’t fulfilled. We also watched a video about a current situation where the rights of the child are not being met because of a conflict. We played a game called Promises, Promises to understand more.


Other Curricular Areas

  • We watched the P1 Nativity and it was Mrs Agnew’s class. The Nativity was about the story of the first Christmas. After we watched it we created good luck cards for our P1 buddies and the classes. I enjoyed it!
  • We had a STEM challenge and we had to try and make a sleigh. It was a knex challenge. It needed to hold three things and be able to move. If you wanted bonus points you needed to have a moving part or have a Christmas theme.
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, we made art pieces using pointillism. We had to use different shades of colours to add light and shadows. We used tooth picks and cotton buds.
  • On Monday some of the violinists had a concert at Eastwood.
  • On Monday we made props for the P1 and P2 Nativities. We made and painted doors and other props.

Friday 8th December 2023

This week in P6b…


  • We did comprehension about Argentina with Mrs Nasar. Some of us learned about Egyptian treasure.
  • In grammar we learnt about direct speech, in the task we had to add the speech marks and other punctuation in sentences.
  • In literacy we have been doing reports and our onomatopoeia poem that people have been finishing off and adding stuff to.
  • On Monday we got given our new reading books. I got the gargling gorilla!
  • On Thursday we learned about direct speech. Direct speech is when someone is speaking we use speech marks like “I want ice cream!” shouted the little girl.


  • At Eastwood I done netball. We did this thing where there were 2 people and were passing the ball back and forth and someone ran around doing a figure of 8 while trying to catch the ball.
  • In tennis we done some rallys after a warm up.
  • In growth mindset we learned about all the sections of the brain then drew it and labelled it after writing the functions.
  • In P.E we continued the sport that we had chosen, in netball we worked on different types of passing, intercepting and played a game.
  • In PE on Fridays we have been doing football and we have been learning skills and doing stations like passing the ball and more.
  • We did P.E at Eastwood but that was are last week before Christmas.
  • For health and wellbeing, we researched the nutritional values of different foods and drinks such as: fresh orange juice, Lucozade and peas etc.
  • In health and wellbeing we’ve been looking at the different parts of the brain.
  • In P.E we’ve been going down to Eastwood to do different sports such as rugby, football, hockey, athletics, netball and tennis.


Other Curricular Areas

  • In the JRSO’s we are going to vote for the best road safety poster next week.
  • We went over to the church to learn a bit about Christmas, there were Christmas crafts as well.
  • We made a colour wheel and with cotton buds or toothpicks we got to experiment with colors using pointillisim made by Georges Seurat.
  • On Wednesday we walked to the church to learn about Christianity. We took part in the ADVENTure trail.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 1st December 2023

This week in P6B we have been learning about…

Literacy and English

  • This week in literacy we were taking notes for writing a letter to Miss McNeil to let us to a topic we want to do.
  • We did a class lesson on personification. We wrote in our literacy jotters about some examples of personification about a dust storm. We also watched a video teaching us what personification is.
  • On Thursday we did a personification challenge. We had to choose an object and a verb to create a sentence.
  • On the Chromebooks we had typed up our letters we wrote on Friday and typed book reports on our group books we are reading.



  • On Thursday we did maths with Miss Ralston. We are working on angles and did a task where you write your name in robotics then write the angles that are in your name.
  • In maths we were looking symmetry and we were tracing out shapes and finding the lines of symmetry in them.
  • We did decimal adding and subtracting chimney sums. With Miss Ralston we done more angles and did an angles football game.
  • In maths we did decimal places. We had to add or subtract the decimal numbers together to get our answer.
  • With Miss Ralston we played a football angles game in pairs.
  • With Miss Ralston we did angles and we wrote our names and had to colour all the different angels one that was done we played an football game!


Health and Wellbeing

  • For pe we went to Eastwood and I did football. We did shooting drills and passing drills.
  • We learned about stereotyping and how people judge others. We did PE at Eastwood and we were all in different groups.
  • On Thursday we went to do our P.E. at eastwood, S and M did athletics.
  • We went over to Eastwood for P.E, we continued to focus on the sport we chose. In growth mindset we did a perfect teacher lesson.
  • In pe we did football we went in groups and did different football related things.



  • With Miss Ralston we made a sun and other planets and then we stopped learning about space and now we have started to look at  sound in Science.
  • We learned about sound in Science.
  • It was Committee Week. In RRS we made a video that will be sent to everyone in the school to learn about children’s rights.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

From Miss McNeil and P6b