Friday 24th November 2023

This week in P6B we have been learning about…


  • In literacy we did a report on our group book we had to choose 4 chapters and do a report on them.
  • This week we have been learning about onomatopoeia and we made poems and art.


  • In maths we read decimals points of scales and we were also round them to the nearest whole number.
  • We were estimating and rounding. We were rounding to the nearest decimal.
  • In math with Mrs Ralston we are learning about angles and we wrote our name. We had to highlight or colour in all the angels like a straight angle, an acute angle, obtuse angle and more .


  • On Thursday for P.E we went in the gym hall for P.E we played lots of games such as secret tig and elephant football.
  • We did a debate about whether elderly people should use an ipad and we also talked about stereotyping.
  • On Thursday we went to the gym hall and played octopus and elephant football.

Road Safety Week

  • Since it is Road safety week this week we designed poster and we will vote one poster to go the Campus Cop!


  • With Miss Ralston we learnt about space, first we drew the planets on a sheet of A3 paper then took 9 of them to create a ginormous sun.