Friday 17th November 2023

This week in P6b we have been learning about…

Literacy and English

  • We started to work on our new spelling rule(ic).
  • On Thursday we done play scrips and started acting some of it out. We also got new books.
  • On Tuesday we started our new spelling sound which is /ic/.
  • In literacy we were focusing on persuasive writing and play scripts.
  • This week we did some acting in literacy everyone was in a group and you chose a person each and acted it out.
  • On Thursday we got a script to act out. I was Beth, S was the 1st lady, C was Harry, E was the 2nd lady, H was the Scragscutt, and L was the stage director. -M
  • Last week we created a product to stop your siblings from touching your PS5 and today we are creating a script for an advert for our product.- H
  • We presented our topic group presentations to some people from Miss Doig and Miss Daly’s classes.


  • With Miss Ralston we done angles. We learnt acute, obtuse, reflex, straight and right angles. Then if you were done you done a work sheet for football to see what angle would kick the ball.
  • We played a game where three people were up at the front and people drew an angle then they had to guess what angle it is.
  • We took part in a Virgin Money live lesson on Thursday morning. It was about budgeting.


  • On Tuesday for P.E we started dodgeball. We worked on our throwing , aiming and pace. Afterwards we played a game of Swedish handball where we worked as a team throwing the ball around trying to get the ball to touch the red line.
  • In health and wellbeing we were shown a power point about anti-bullying week and we discussed the difference between bullying and banter.

Book Week Scotland

  • In the afternoon we decorated potatoes with our buddies to help them with the learning of Supertato (the book they are reading).
  • On Tuesday, in the afternoon we met our p1 buddies, we all got potatoes and decorated them with pipe cleaners, paper and more, this linked to the book our buddies are reading (Supertato).


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b