Friday 3rd November 2023

This week in P6b we have been learning about…


Health and Wellbeing

  • On Thursday, we went to Eastwood to do our PE. I took part in the football group. We played a number game. – H
  • On Thursday, we went to Eastwood to do our PE. I did athletics. We did different types of races, like hopping and running. We also had to do ladders and the hurdles. If you lost the race you had to go back and do the hurdles again. – M
  • On Thursday we went to Eastwood for PE and I did tennis. For the warm-up we had to run from cone to cone. For our main activity we got into pairs and there were two cones. We had to hit the cones with the ball and whoever hit the cones first won. – E
  • On Thursday at the high school we did rugby and we played a game called 10 passes. You had to do 10 passes without the other team intercepting it. – L


Scotland versus the USA

  • We started planning our group talks and made the slides. Our group talks are about Scotland versus America. – A



  • We learned about Space with Miss Ralston. We discovered which planets were the closest and furthest away from the sun. – M
  • When learning about Space we also learned about the gas giants and the rocky planets. – S


Problem Solving

  • We enjoyed working in groups to solve different problems. We chose the best strategy to use and discussed it with each other.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

From Miss McNeil and P6B