Friday 27th October 2023

This week in P6b we have…

Health and Wellbeing

  • On Thursday we did PE with the S6’s at Eastwood and it was so fun. – S
  • On Thursday we went to Eastwood for PE. I was doing rugby. As part of the warm-up game we did some relay races. Then we were put into 2 groups then we had to try to get 10 passes without the other team getting it. If we did this we got a point. To finish off we got into pairs and we tried to see how many passes you get in a row. – E


Numeracy and Maths

  • On Thursday we did data handling with Miss Ralston. We completed a task with misleading data about bar graphs. We had to list all of the problems about it and had to make a bar graph. – M
  • We finished our volume topic and created a poster to  display all the skills we have learned. – A


Literacy and English

  • We did a dictionary task and finished the final chapter of The Jungle Book. – A
  • This week we updated the VCOP wall. We added vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation that we might use in our writing. – R



  • On Thursday I went to football club. We practiced our shooting with a shooting drill then played a match. – K


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b