Friday 13th October 2023

This week in P6B we have…

The Jungle Adventure Project

  • We have been making a small world using shoe boxes for our P1 buddies. We have also made books that we will read to them. – P
  • We were being creative this week when we were making our shoe boxes because we created a scene from the books we created. We also used our sculptures that we created at the beginning of term as a characters for our buddies to retell the story with. -L


P.E. at Eastwood

  • Yesterday at Eastwood, I played rugby. We were practicing our passing with a passing drill. You can’t pass forward in rugby so we practiced this. – Z
  • During P.E. I played hockey. As a warm up we were put into partners and we had to practice passing back and forward. When we got to 10 we had to take 2 steps back to make it harder. The main activity was a mini hockey match. – E



  • I was learning about volume this week. I measured the volume of cuboid using a special formula. – R
  • On Thursday with Miss Ralston we completed a maths challenge. We had to make paper airplanes then measure how far they could fly. We changed our models to investigate whether that effected the distance. – H



  • I went to the Football club with Mr Atkinson. At Football club we played some games and I really enjoyed it. – K
  • I went to the Bollywood club at lunchtime. We learned a bollywood trend and it was really fun! – S
  • I went to the debating club and we learned about debate structures. We are focusing on why pupils should or shouldn’t be allowed to bring phones to school. -A
  • On Monday I went to netball. For netball we started by practicing our passing by playing a game. Before we started playing a game we got into 3 different groups to practice shooting, passing and defending. – E