Friday 27th October 2023

This week in P6b we have…

Health and Wellbeing

  • On Thursday we did PE with the S6’s at Eastwood and it was so fun. – S
  • On Thursday we went to Eastwood for PE. I was doing rugby. As part of the warm-up game we did some relay races. Then we were put into 2 groups then we had to try to get 10 passes without the other team getting it. If we did this we got a point. To finish off we got into pairs and we tried to see how many passes you get in a row. – E


Numeracy and Maths

  • On Thursday we did data handling with Miss Ralston. We completed a task with misleading data about bar graphs. We had to list all of the problems about it and had to make a bar graph. – M
  • We finished our volume topic and created a poster to  display all the skills we have learned. – A


Literacy and English

  • We did a dictionary task and finished the final chapter of The Jungle Book. – A
  • This week we updated the VCOP wall. We added vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation that we might use in our writing. – R



  • On Thursday I went to football club. We practiced our shooting with a shooting drill then played a match. – K


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 13th October 2023

This week in P6B we have…

The Jungle Adventure Project

  • We have been making a small world using shoe boxes for our P1 buddies. We have also made books that we will read to them. – P
  • We were being creative this week when we were making our shoe boxes because we created a scene from the books we created. We also used our sculptures that we created at the beginning of term as a characters for our buddies to retell the story with. -L


P.E. at Eastwood

  • Yesterday at Eastwood, I played rugby. We were practicing our passing with a passing drill. You can’t pass forward in rugby so we practiced this. – Z
  • During P.E. I played hockey. As a warm up we were put into partners and we had to practice passing back and forward. When we got to 10 we had to take 2 steps back to make it harder. The main activity was a mini hockey match. – E



  • I was learning about volume this week. I measured the volume of cuboid using a special formula. – R
  • On Thursday with Miss Ralston we completed a maths challenge. We had to make paper airplanes then measure how far they could fly. We changed our models to investigate whether that effected the distance. – H



  • I went to the Football club with Mr Atkinson. At Football club we played some games and I really enjoyed it. – K
  • I went to the Bollywood club at lunchtime. We learned a bollywood trend and it was really fun! – S
  • I went to the debating club and we learned about debate structures. We are focusing on why pupils should or shouldn’t be allowed to bring phones to school. -A
  • On Monday I went to netball. For netball we started by practicing our passing by playing a game. Before we started playing a game we got into 3 different groups to practice shooting, passing and defending. – E


This week in P6b we have…

We created graphs to display how many steps the teachers did in their step challenge for Maths Week.  Mrs Findlay came in first place with over 30,000 steps.

We acted out a scene when someone got blamed unfairly – the problem had to be solved by showing what to do when someone blames you unfairly.

We went to Eastwood to do PE, we were coached by the pupils in S6.

We created optical illusion art – we had to draw a square and put a 1cm line on each side, connected them, and we had to do this until it filled the whole square.  This was called the Curves of Pursuit.

For Maths Week Scotland we solved some problems which required lots of thinking – it was really hard!  We enjoyed doing the activities together.

We made front covers for our own stories inspired by The Jungle Book and we have started typing these up on the computers.

We did a Thinking Reader lesson where we wrote a summary about what we have read in The Jungle Book so far.


We hope you have  a lovely weekend.
