Primary 5B: Week Beginning 06/11/23

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

It was great seeing everyone at Parents Evening and I also hope you enjoyed looking at your child’s jotters and their work that was on the P5B wall display.

Literacy and English

For comprehension we worked in groups and read different texts. We then used our skills, such as highlighting parts of the text and looking for key words, and knowledge of predicting to help answer the questions.

In our writing lesson we learned about the differences between formal and informal letters and some of their features such as addresses and contractions. We then put different types of writing into either the informal or formal category and we discovered that some genres of writing can be both! Afterwards, we discussed what a pen-pal was and then we wrote a letter to a pretend friend from Japan. This gave us a chance to use our knowledge of Japan and ask our pen-pals questions about their country such as have they visited the famous landmark Tokyo Tower or been to the Sapporo Snow Festival.

We have also been continuing to improve our joined up handwriting by focusing on joining two “t” letters together this week!

Numeracy and Maths

This week some of us have been learning about how to convert centimetres and metres, the different ways adding and subtracting can be written and said, continuing to focus and build our understanding of multiplication Mental Maths phrases such as seven fives or five groups of four.

Health and Wellbeing

During our gym hall sessions we have started to develop our fitness levels by taking part in circuits. Some of the stations included running, step ups, push ups and jumping. Soon we will be recording and tracking our weekly progress to see if we improve!


With Miss Campbell we have started learning about Spanish and the country of Spain!

Expressive Art

As we are nearly at the end of our Scotland and Japan comparison study, Miss Campbell thought it would be fun learning how to draw and write the numbers one to ten in Japanese!

IDL – Scotland and Japan

We discussed and compared the differences between Samurai and Scottish clan warriors. We noticed that they shared some similarities such as both representing clans and having a leader to follow. Afterwards, we watched a video about Samurai and took notes on their lives and then we drew their weapons and labelled them in Japanese.


On Friday we went to the Glasgow Science Centre with P5A and P4/5. We had a brilliant time exploring all the different floors and watching all the exciting experiments in the Climate Change show!


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