Primary 5B: Week Beginning 18/09/23

Mr Atkinson’s comment:

Although it has been a shorter week the class have been very busy! The class participated in the first STEM the Flow workshop which will be an ongoing project over the term. Also just a reminder that the homework issued this week is for the next two weeks and can be returned on 02/10/23. I hope everyone has a great long weekend!

Literacy and English

This week we finished off our imaginative writing block by creating a story with a Scottish warrior as our main character. Mr Atkinson and Miss Campbell encouraged us to use all the skills we have be working on the last couple of weeks including; using the five senses to describe settings, organising our plot into a beginning, middle and end, describing our characters by using adjectives, similes and metaphors.

We read more of our class novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and then we answered different types of questions from the chapters. We also scored the main events out of ten for how exciting they were and then working in pairs we justified how some of them helped to build tension.

We have been continuing to improve our joined up handwriting and in spelling this week we focused on words that either had “wh” or “o” in them.

Numeracy and Maths
In Maths we surveyed other classes and then used the results to create our very own bar graphs using Google Sheets. We have also been exploring division and revising different adding methods.
Health and Wellbeing
In P.E. we went into teams to play some basketball matches. In the games we tried to use all the skills we have been working on the last few weeks such as bounce and chest passes, dribbling and being aware of our positions. We all had some much fun!
In our Bounce Back session we discussed how humour, jokes and laughter can be used to help tough situations and make people feel better. At the end of the lesson some of us shared our favourite jokes with the rest of the class!
IDL – Scotland and Japan
We added and drew some Munros to our Scotland maps. Then we researched on the Chromebooks how high some of them were and recorded these in a table.
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